Ken Okoth posted this a while back.
At some point in our sorry lives as citizens of this failed state, we had the opportunity to alter the course of events. Of the several alternatives we had, we chose to keep the one that had proven beyond reasonable doubt that thievery is its talent. No one is going to protest. go protest alone. We are content with our predicament.
Maybe, just maybe, corruption will be so bad that Kenyans forget Tribe and unite and to fight it. For that to happen, some of us would like to say that we are okay with the slogan “Reke Marie”, Let them eat. Waibe hadi pesa iishe kabisa tuende bankrupt. Next action will be taken from there.
Madeni tutalipa pamoja courtesy of KRA. Those salaries and businesses will be taxed into oblivion. That’s when you will understand why we say voting like pre-programmed machines ni ujinga.
It’s always darkest just before dawn… Kenyans are not ready to wake up just not yet. Kenya has to first become a banana state, then and only then will Kenyans wake up… But first, we have to let our leaders turn into a banana state… hatuyuko karibu ata… 3 to 4 more years of stealing, then tutafika hapo…
The only thing holding Kenyans back is that they know deposing the current regime = ushering in ‘baba’. Kama ni cha icho most would prefer statusquo hoping people would be jailed
Ferk Uhuruto, these niggas take Kenyans for granted. I remember sometime back a time like this ndio Kabura season 1 ilikua imeshika…post after post on social media was “I will not queue to vote for u again”. Then Kabura Season 2 happened.
We need to bring down the walls of state hole this time round otherwise itll be same script different cast till Apocalypse.
Hata mimi naona hivyo. Walianza kuiba kitambo sana, na wale walijaribu kusema waliuliwa. Sasa wacha tu waendelee… Hata nilisikia jana mchungaji akisema God does not wipe out a nation until their sin is ripe. (Gen 15:16)