Global Firms Want Kenya to Allow Homosexuality ! _Reply to purple's ga.y thread

global companies also want us to accept hii maneno…

[SIZE=6]Kenya: Global Firms Want Kenya to Allow Homosexuality[/SIZE]

4 JULY 2021
The Nation (Nairobi)
By Elvis Ondieki

A coalition of 27 global companies has asked Kenya to fully recognise gays, lesbians, bisexuals and the transgender to unlock more billions into the economy.
The coalition Open for Business, comprises Microsoft, Google, Barclays, Standard Chartered, Diageo, IBM, PwC, American Express, Burberry, among others.

In a report titled The Economic Case for LGBT+ Inclusion in Kenya, they say Kenya loses between Sh18.5 billion and Sh130 billion every year because of policies that assign criminality and discriminate against members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

The report says the discriminatory environment sees Kenya lose between Sh6.5 billion and Sh14.3 billion per year because it is unattractive to some tourists.

The report rates several cities across the world in terms of LGBT inclusion. Cities are placed in 13 categories and Nairobi is in the 12th alongside Dakar, Casablanca, Rabat, Dhaka and Almaty…(cont)

[SIZE=6]Wanasema FEMINISM & LGBTq is a tool for population control ? is it true… [/SIZE]

dr umar johnson provides evidence of what he thinks is behind the gay agenda , kuna file ya uncle sam’s henry kissinger & jimmy carter , he wants you to download and verify ( about population control and feminism )… he explains population control plan uses plannedparenthood , AIDS and the LGBTQ agenda ?

nmeweka hapo chini …?

#umar #lord #podcast @Muthafari @patco
[SIZE=7]Dr. Umar Johnson Talks Chinese/ Interracial Dating/ LGBTQ / Feminism[/SIZE]

[SIZE=7]1. National Security Study Memorandum 200[/SIZE]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200) was completed on December 10, 1974 by the United States National Security Council under the direction of Henry Kissinger.
It was adopted as official US policy by US President Gerald Ford in November 1975. It was classified for a while but was obtained by researchers in the early 1990s.

[SIZE=7]2. The Global 2000 Report to the President[/SIZE]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Global 2000 Report to the President was a 1980 report commissioned by President Jimmy Carter. It warned that world population growth would have dramatic consequences by the year 2000 if no changes in public policy were made. Gerald O. Barney was the study director.

I told you recently that this thing is coming, @Ndindu unaskia? This is coming to Kenya very soon. Ndio mtajua being woke ni kusema nini.

If you look carefully you will notice that they always push black Americans to the forefront to promote these agendas. Of course there are elements of population control when you talk of feminism/pro-choice/ab.ortion.

Nisaidie link ya hio thread

Bonobo click on the above replies utapelekwa iyo thread

Arsehole was made to be an organ of excretion not an instrument of pleasure. Musungu ghasia asitupake shonde. Wapakane huko Kwao shithole.

They should employ more local people before they start thinking about making any demands

Nimeona kijana mmoja wa sauti soul ni mbomolewa kabati. I have never liked that group anyways. Western influences inaumiza our coming generations bane. Nowdays ni story ya ushoga, tattoo, hard parties, cross dressing, baby mama shiet and stuff. Btw could Erick Omondi have been paid to play those cross dresser roles he plays? Ndio a influence our kids?

How did they estimate those figures? Upuss mtupu.

Lazima watunge hekaya to push their lgbtq crap in Africa.