So now the total debt of the world is USD 164 TRILLIONS. Mimi nko na 200k deni ya sacco.

Sasa hizi trillions nani anadai dunia?

Mbona nchi zisiamue hazitalipa?

[SIZE=5]Global debt balloons to all-time high of $164 trillion[/SIZE]


Hawa watu hutuchocha ni hizi vitu zao artificial.

Mpaka nimeshangaa whos is that ultra rich


From what I see is that debt and development goes hand in hand.

Aisee hujafanya poa kutumia hiyo graphic. Hizi segment zingine za pie chart zinarepresent nani? Why single out China?
Edit: I had not seen the tiny details hidden in the top left corner.

Kwani hamjawai nunua treasury bills za CBK ama bond za NSE?

So we actually have nothing in real life.

Hio barabara inaendeshewa gari ni loan. Hizo gari ni za loan. Mafuta imelipwa na pesa ya m-shwari.

Spare parts kamau alinunua na loan. Zikabebwa na sgr ya loan. Ngai fafa

China has been singled out as wale wamechukua deni mingi.

Nani aliwapea hio loan?

Mind you china wametupee deni mingi sana.

Mbona hawakulipa hizo loans ndio watupee loan?

Mimi ni upcoming zimbambwean trillionaire. Hizo bills ni nini

Treasury bills (Soma pia Euro Bond) are a secure, short-term investment, offering you returns after a relatively short commitment of funds. Treasury bill rates in Kenya are attractive, providing an excellent investment opportunity that is readily available, as they are auctioned each week.

ni juzi tu ulikuwa unabishana ati china haina debt. juzi tu.

Hizi loan ni zenye wamepeana au wameomba? Methinks ni zile wamepeana. Like Uncle Sam owes mushaina a pretty dollar ndio inafanya uone all these tantrumps. If China man dumps just a fraction of the US paper he holds dollar will go paragasha

Wacha uchokozi kaka. Ni wapi nilisema shaina haina ndeni?

Infact i said uncle sam is held by his balls or her ovaries by china through huge loans given out

Government debts are not usually meant to be paid per se. Government borrows, pays back a little in treasury bonds and borrows more… and the cycle continues

So basically unasema pesa tuko nayo mifukoni ni madeni tuu?

usiambie huyu mjamaa kitu. Wakiwa na @Charley Flani in a recent thread I tried to explain that China’s debt was 230% of gdp and dangerous. nikaambiwa ni vako hio. fake news.

Nikajaribu kuwaambia in America’s case the 21 trillion they owe is not all owed to China, out of that whole 21 trillion the U.S. only owes China 1.2 trillion dollars. The rest of the 21 trillion around 5 trillion of it, is owed to other countries but majority of it is internal debt owed to banks, to individuals and corporations in form of mutual funds,to pension funds, to insurance companies etc. Nikajaza tu maparagraph hapo,hawasomi, najibiwa tu ati America is collapsing. They owe China trillions!

Nikajaribu kuexplain that China may not owe other country’s money but they have a lot of internal borrowing especially from the banks for instance usedd to build infrastructure within China and outside China, monies that have not been paid back, houses that no one is living in, nikaambiwa niwache wivu. America is collapsing accept and move on. Sijui ati China has existed for 5000 years, they are very smart blah blah blah biggest economy.

Nikawauliza how can you compare China to a country whose culture is sheer utter consumerism, SPENDING, whereas the Chinese are savers hata wanajengewa cities hawanunui hizo nyumba. That country is still very poor. Nikaambiwa hakuna mtu anasoma paragraph zangu. Na ni ukweli. Hata hii nimeandika hatasoma. Utamskia akiwika China is next super power, shut up! They have the biggest army and the busiest factories…

Sasa umeleta propaganda hii pande?

The economy is a lie.

You see @Kilpatrick you guys always make this shortsighted mistake that the world is straightfoward. That you can easily divorce the economy of a country from everything else.

If you bother to read my comments you’ll notice when I’m discussing China or Russia or Israel I don’t only dwell on the economy or politics alone I mix my answer with things like research, students in colleges, kindd of resesrch in colleges, pollution etc because it is all interlinked with the economy and the politics! How do they make decisions? How do they share the national cake?

You ask a very good question, why does China have debt and yet you thought China has all these money that everyone is borrowing and all these successful factories, and you also thought China is the richest super power?

Hio swali ni mzuri sana na ni MZITO sana with a complex answer. Communism lost. That is a fact. Bear with me I’m getting to the point.

China and Russia after seeing that communism failed them, they adopted capitalist markets but kept communist govts. Waliingiza mguu moja, ingine ikabaki nje…

China for instance is doing well economically and yet there is so much inequality. This is simply because of the leader who distributes the cake.

He alone and a very small clique decide for many years how they invest trillions of China’s dollars or rinminbi.

China is making a lot of money but all the decisions are made by the same guys for years. These guys will decide out of the blue to build roads all over the world. Or they will decide lets buy up American debt. Some decisions are excellent some not so much. These guys will decide lets hack computers and steal ideas on building cars and what not.

Some of these investments are becoming very nasty loans but then wanasema it will be covered by the good stuff we are doing. Our factories, and our labour force will cover our mistakes.

The reason they’ll probably never be like the western countries which they aspire to be i.e. complete eradication of extreme poverty, world class education or world class health care or transport system like akina Norway is simply because the talent pool at the top is diminishing. They don’t have democracy!

You can hate the U.S. all you want but the American system works and people copy it because it’s always changing and recharging. The same with other Western countries. Bush akiangusha nchi kunakuja nugu ingine, ikishindwa inatoka. Kunakuja ingine inajaribu new ideas, the ideas work inatoka kunakuja ingine…

No matter how good Xi Jinping, or Putin is they are mortal men. So, China has huge debt despite doing very well simply because of narrow policies. If they were a democratic, open society state, with different leadership and new ideas ungeona tofauti. They wouldn’t even need to copy paste ideas from the west or steal western products, a new vibrant leader would probably inspire new creativity.

So in short. China is still very much on the way to full enlightenment.