Getting tough on Terror

Terrorists are back in the news …
ISIS and Al Shabaab activities appear to be on the increase.

This vermin infestation has not been dealt with properly and it is now time for a proper clean up …


Boni Forest is a well known hideout for these brain washed killer morons.


Concerned Authorities must utilize our available surveillance drone resources , map out training , mobilization hideouts and wipe them out with our helicopter gunships …

Buda kwani wewe ni a member of the KDF fraternity?

Our MD 530F Cayuse warrior is actually a light attack /armed scout helo. We do have the AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter tho’ in our inventory.

The only attack helicopter natambua. Kama birrionea I can help the government acquire some wakiongea na mimi vizuri.

Helicopters won’t work in that thicket. Plus they can be taken out quite easily na RPG. They need to establish a perimeter around that forest and close in pole pole with minesweepers and armored infantry. Kikiumana wanaingia na tanks while felling all the trees to smoke out these vermin.

Reloading this thing is very simple and straightforward. Hadi unaona wanaenjoy kazi yao hata kama ni wauaji. Very neat little aircraft.

Can Kenyan pilots fly these small helicopters the way navy seals fly theirs?

Unajua navy seals love the small helicopters so that they fly low and shoot you in the face. They practically fly inches off the ground.

Terrorist anakunywa breakfast anaona ndege tu imetokea kwa dirisha.

You don’t go after a fly with a sledgehammer …

These hot little birds come in low and fast , with air-to-ground rockets and machine gun fire …

Each drops 6 commandos to mop up …
Those punks will never know what hit them …

Yes , they can …
The problem is always wrong tactics …

Operation Linda Inchi was a good beginning and once we got to Mogadishu , KDF should have come back home and let AMISOM ( Ethiopia, Burundi , Uganda , EU / US special units and SNA ( Somali National Army take over stabilization and policing …

KDF should have fallen back to secure our borders and used short range Drones ( they actually have them ) to gather Intel and carry out Heli-borne Interdiction Attacks on training bases and safe houses …

Far more effective , less casualties , less cost more bang for your buck …


Control over the smuggling business was the reason they went to Somalia, Al Shabaab was just their excuse so wacha kupigia mbuzi guitar

Apache is good but inferior to Russia’s Mi - 28…

Mi-28 kwa silaha iko poa but it’s not fast or maneuverable.

The Apache and Mi-28 are great at what they do but really overkill for dealing with these misguided clowns …

This is not a trained Army with any kind of Strategy or Discipline …

This is a bunch of brainwashed ragtag fanatics who have no clear goals or creed …
They just want to get to their version of heaven and 72 Virgins …


The MD530 Gunships , Mi8 Troop transports and short range Surveillance / Targeting Drones that we currently have are plenty if properly deployed with the right battle tactics …

Hit them fast and hard , day and night …