Terrorists are back in the news …
ISIS and Al Shabaab activities appear to be on the increase.
This vermin infestation has not been dealt with properly and it is now time for a proper clean up …
Boni Forest is a well known hideout for these brain washed killer morons.
Concerned Authorities must utilize our available surveillance drone resources , map out training , mobilization hideouts and wipe them out with our helicopter gunships …
Our MD 530F Cayuse warrior is actually a light attack /armed scout helo. We do have the AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter tho’ in our inventory.
The only attack helicopter natambua. Kama birrionea I can help the government acquire some wakiongea na mimi vizuri.
Helicopters won’t work in that thicket. Plus they can be taken out quite easily na RPG. They need to establish a perimeter around that forest and close in pole pole with minesweepers and armored infantry. Kikiumana wanaingia na tanks while felling all the trees to smoke out these vermin.
Yes , they can …
The problem is always wrong tactics …
Operation Linda Inchi was a good beginning and once we got to Mogadishu , KDF should have come back home and let AMISOM ( Ethiopia, Burundi , Uganda , EU / US special units and SNA ( Somali National Army take over stabilization and policing …
KDF should have fallen back to secure our borders and used short range Drones ( they actually have them ) to gather Intel and carry out Heli-borne Interdiction Attacks on training bases and safe houses …
Far more effective , less casualties , less cost more bang for your buck …
The Apache and Mi-28 are great at what they do but really overkill for dealing with these misguided clowns …
This is not a trained Army with any kind of Strategy or Discipline …
This is a bunch of brainwashed ragtag fanatics who have no clear goals or creed …
They just want to get to their version of heaven and 72 Virgins …
The MD530 Gunships , Mi8 Troop transports and short range Surveillance / Targeting Drones that we currently have are plenty if properly deployed with the right battle tactics …