Getting back in the game welcome to hell

Since lockdown last year I have been a lousy PUA and totally stopped cold-approaching for nearly a year in that time frame I have only added a shitty 3 notch count in my legendary 350+ count. I broke frame with the last girl I was with and now she’s getting railed by some other guy(like literally its happening now, we live in the same apartment, same floor) while am here downing bottles of vodka listening to future’s playlist sleeping on the floor. Then it hit me how far I have dropped, from a legendary cold-hearted playah to a hurt drunk simp, I need to go back in the back as soon as possible(tomorrow morning).

To be honest right now I have 0 confidence and my game is pretty much at “beginner level”. This level is know as “beginners hell” where beginners and former pua’s receive insane amount of rejection before mastering “game”. I have understood that tomorrow will be a tough day for me, my goal will be to approach 30 ladies( warm up) I will lower my standards to 5-6’s so that I can build back my game while still slaying pussy and also building my tolerance for rejection as I slowly move up the ladder to the 8+.

By next week I swear upon the gods of sex I will be getting laid more than any warlord who ever lived.

Do not hate the player, learn the game.

Confidence: on
self-esteem: high

Lete update na thermal evidense mkuu. Good luck

Is you going Greek, sir?


Just keep the village updated.

What has your post got to do with MGTOW. Kwani siku hizi MGTOW inachukuliwa kama people against approaching women

Are you confusing MGTOW with incels or what, like many people in here do.

MGTOW is against commitment (marriage) otherwise in fact you are applying its principles because saii ungekuwa na bibi kunguru kwa nyumba

There’s no such thing as game.

Let me burst your bubble. You are transitioning on becoming gaaaay.

:D:D:D:D:D… MGTOW =FREEDOM…you have switched from an actor Mgtow alpha male god to your default setting, low value incel , Mgtow alpha male lifestyle can’t be faked no matter how much you try.

Find some other interest to pursue… tafuta the male priorities I highlighted some time back


Hiyo kunguru ilikua imeku pussfy hadi unaingilia pombe,tafta kitu swaffe kuishinda

Hio energy ya kukimbizana na wanawake for puthy mimi sina., I would rather commit it to something more fulfilling.

Always have a plan B dem akienda unapigia Plan B akusort.

mtu akipiga hizo makei za hii monkey teke si atalia saidi , why expose such fragile jewels hivo

Umbwa ghaseeer takataka nyinyi…let me log out again.

Rudi Saudi Arabia nyang’au

Knowing how women are spiteful, ile nduru anapiga inaskika hadi Afghanistan. Siuhame bro?

@forestmonkey Si unitumie hiyo playlist ya future tusongeshe siku

ukweli kabsaa alikua nikama ata ansascream but Sihezi hama yeye ndio ata toka, leo nimechota 23 numbers nikuwapanga hii wikendi