
hapa ni wapi



A day in a german village…kassel

@Ndindu njoo…



mbilikimo piga picha ya snow

This is a village. Only ocha pple stay there.

picha iko wapi
asking for homosexuaal @MBOMB

This is a summer cabin. Very common in western Europe especially Skandinavia

By the way, what happens in Germany?. I have seen many Kenyans and other Africans disappear and only to be found dead in rivers and lakes and their bodies are dismembered.
Serial killers or white power?

A Kenyan friend based in Hamburg disappeared in January and was found in February in a river, some parts of bodies. He had gone out to buy some medicine and was weak. What happens?

mkundu ya nyeuthi ngapi kaka

picha mbili ya pochuggo …buda:D

Ok from what i have heard, many ladies murdered were married to jungus then after awhile she files for divorce. Kidogo she Puls her Kenyan BF kutoka Kenya. Mzungu seeks revenge.

Another case, naskia ni suicide. Hii ni ya Boy naskia was from a well off family. All this family were living in germany. Sijui akakosana na gf then akajimada


iko wapi
ocha mkundu ya wazee ukuje hapa…[ATTACH=full]299646[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]299646[/ATTACH]

The cabin looks very german

Europe is beautiful but cold and unwelcoming to Africans.