Sometimes I don’t understand this book called the Bible. Wadau hebu help me understand the justification for what happened in the quoted verses:
[SIZE=6]Genesis 38:8-10 New International Version (NIV)[/SIZE]
8 Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” 9 But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.
Meanwhile we fuck whenever it’s required of us or whenever we just feel like it. But do not spill semen on the ground
Remember SM otieno. His widow wife Wambui was told to marry his younger brother. Alikataa kabisa. I think they finally made his body rest after 1 year in court was a fight between 2 cultures - Kikuyu and luo .
The Same Wambui ended up marrying a man quarter her age in mid 2000 I think his name was Mbugua. Seems our shemejis luo strictly followed the old testament: story za wife inheritance . Donge @introvert
Get the story in context. It is not an issue of birth controll! In that society the woman had no right to a family’s inheritance unless she mothered a child. Onan had the duty, by the customs of the day, to give this child and the legitimacy that comes with it to his brothers widow. The problem is not BIRTH CONTROLL. The problem is that he accepted to sleep with the woman and enjoy her but deny her the child that she sought.