General Miguna weighs on Kagwe daily yellings......

I have doubted Kagwe with covid 19 information from day one.
General Miguna has also detected the dishonesty by kagwe.
The covid 19 that is in USA, Italy, UK etc if it found its way into Kenya, then it couldn’t be kagwe yelling, every body could be witnessing from his area.
For kinyasa I think WHO billions are good retirement package now that WSR has out smarted him in jubilee party gimmicks.
Kenya shud be reopened immediately.
Covid 19 is a con game by kinyasa.[ATTACH=full]298330[/ATTACH]

Apes, Idiots Galore!

Miguna anafaa apunguze udaku, anapenda kukashifu kila kitu na hatoi suluhisho, badala ya kusema hakuna ugonjwa wa Covid nchini ama kupinga idadi ya walio wagonjwa anafaa atupatie takwimu zake atuambie ni watu… ambao wanaugua la sivyo anyamaze awache kunukisha mdomo.

Mutahi Kagwe has become a despot too soon,altogether the double standards being applied in handling mwananchi during this time is wanting.The rich are getting away with it when they break the law,maskini anarushwa quarantine,ni kama quarantine imekuwa a punishment place.

Yelling ogre

Even I don’t buy all these exaggerations by CS Mutahi Kagwe and his helper Mercy Mwangangi.
Maybe all these lockdowns are simulations to see how they can do it in 2022 if they decide to do away with term limits unconstitutionally. You just never know

am still shocked to see even educated adults still take UHURUTO seriously , can’t you see these guys never had anything to show to deserve any leadership position ? Uhuru and ruto destroyed kenya…


He released a YouTube video today saying Uhuru and his mum should be jailed for 550 years accusing them of all manner of transgressions aided by the super conman Raila.

Kweli wajinga ni wengi hii kenya than I thought. Hamskiangi ashamed mkispread stupidity and ignorance? ama ni vile it’s an anonymous forum or mnakuanga wajinga hivo in real life? I fail to understand…

anyone who have done at least a unit in psychology knows that Miguna has a mental/personality disorder

Miguna is a court jester.

I read his book, Peeling back the mask.
He had very painful experiences during his childhood.
He loathes human beings, especially men.


Miguna will say anything as long as he finds a way of linking Uhuru and Raila to the story

The Miguna attackers on this thread are enough proof that Kenyans ni wajinga waiting to fuck themselves again. Yaani message ya Miguna is lost on them kabisa. Endeleeni kubebewa akili na Kagwe na Mwangangi.


You can’t understand because we mwenyewe ndiye mjinga typical African who thinks that those critical of the country’s leadership are ignorant. I’m more learned than both kagwe and kinyasa and can detect their lies from a far distance, for you even if you see, you can’t say, case of uzalendo wa kijinga.
For you kinyasa was God sent and will deliver on all his election promises, pole kabisa.
For me when it comes to kinyasa and his henchmen, it’s a pack of hyenas with nothing good to talk home about. Kenyans are on their own in covid 19 matters and nothing from govt is clearly giving directions.

my tiny friend stay safe,by and by we shall overcome hii janga

they dont care about the message they care about the sender , they always vote for the messenger and never care about the message , hawa tu ndio walikuwa wanaimba tano tena nakupiga firimbi , shameful ignorant f*ckers

Miguna somehow is right, case below
Pride inn raphta had 99 people on forced quarantine, all but one lady tested negative, on the 10th day, the presumed positive case was removed from the facility on the 14th day and taken to KU referral.
On the 20th day, after a mandatory extension, all the 98 tested -ve, all along we kept touch with the “positive” case, zero signs at all.
2 further tests carried out on the 21 &23 Rd day turned out negative…

Youll never know what is happening in kenya youll only hear what they need you to hear juu there are some elements in the government that doesnt want mkenya wa kawaida akisaidika :D:D