Gates Foundation ,WHO and Wuhan Lab have been hacked

Watu wameamua ukweli lazima ijulikane by hook or crook.

Password ya adhiambo no 93:D:D:D[ATTACH=full]298656[/ATTACH]

No clue what im supposed to be looking at ,but i concur

Emails and passwords of said orgs.
The emails content iko wapi ?

jamaa ameweka 123456?
na system ilikubali?
na system ina store password plain text?


sasa Mungai wa Isiolo, wapi yule msichana mumeru?

Fake. Fake emails. Fake passwords. The whole thing has been faked.
If it’s true, where is the contents of the emails? Where are the screenshots?

It’s meant for spreading the fear mongering and speculation that a deadly virus was engineered in a lab. More fear, more hysteria, more lockdowns, more zombies waiting to be injected by Bill Gates. The planners of this panic will not let up on the fear. They will even create bogus hacking news to keep the fear boiling.
It’s been proven many times that the contagion, if it exists, is killing a mere 0.2% of the ‘infected’ (add to that the fact that the people dying were dying anyway)

the evidence is pointing to 5g radiation,no virus has ever been isolated

Anonymous warned them last week

Can you people please read anything about viruses, virology, or anything. Read microbiology papers. Read the theories of disease. Read! Read or you will fall for depopulation traps. It cannot hurt to know a thing or two about microorganisms.

All these passwords were already in the internet and were hacked over 5 years ago, go verify. nugu nyinyi

don’t be duped by those dumb kids that are calling searching the internet “hacking”

So, after logging into the hacked emails, what has been found?

you mofos dumb AF