@Gashwin, Please Know Your Health is in Your Hands.................


Ejaculating at least 21 times a month significantly reduces a man’s risk of prostate cancer, new research reveals.

This is compared to those who release just four-to-seven times every four weeks, a Harvard University study has found.

The findings are true regardless of whether men achieve orgasm through masturbation or sex, the research adds.

Researchers did not speculate on why ejaculation protects against prostate cancer, however, past research suggests it helps to rid the gland of cancer-causing substances and infections.

Ejaculation may also help to ease inflammation, which is a known cause of cancer.

How the study was carried out

Researchers from Harvard University analyzed 31,925 healthy men who completed a questionnaire about their ejaculation frequency back in 1992.

Monthly ejaculation frequency was assessed in men aged 20-to-29, 40-to-49 and the year before the questionnaire was completed.

Ejaculation was defined broadly and could be as a result of sex or masturbation.

The men were then followed until 2010.

Some 3,839 of the study’s participants were diagnosed with prostate cancer during the investigation.

Key findings

Results revealed that ejaculating at least 21 times a month significantly reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men aged 20-to-29 and 40-to-49.

This is compared to ejaculating just four-to-seven times a month.

The researchers wrote: “We found that men reporting higher compared to lower ejaculatory frequency in adulthood were less likely to be subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer.”

The findings were published in the journal European Urology.

How does ejaculation reduce a man’s cancer risk?

The researchers did not speculate on why ejaculation helps to ward off prostate cancer.

Yet, past research by the same university suggests that emptying the prostate of cancer-causing substances and infections may have some benefit.

Ejaculation may also help to reduce prostate inflammation, which is a known cause of the cancer.

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:D:D:D gashui kuja useme lastly ulitoa maziwa ya wanaume


Wewe guka chukua arimis na uwache story mingi

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Bibi mgani atakupea 21 days of the month ?

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Hewa ikitoka badala ya sperms kama ya guka hiyo inahesbiwa?

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:D:D:D good to know


What do you mean? It should be 30-4=26days

aviator huwa unatomba ama unatombwa matako

Aviator ni nyanyako unaishingi kuita yeye? KuBuff.


@guks Kuna ka narration Fulani you posted. Can’t remember it exactly but it went like this; you met a lady(luo,kamba or something). Endowed thighs. Sijui akakufanyisha jaro zipi and you were like a lady is most likely dripping yester night cum from her coomer and here she is asking me favours…kindly give me the link. Whenever I see an thighed woman especially in the morning I always think of yester night cum leaking from her coomer. It’s a crazy village this one


Afiator hujafika menopause?

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I understand not why a thread as this targeting @gashwin specifically on matters ejaculation missed to call on Momo 1 @Guru to account. And inform her too that @gashwin 's health is her responsibility too…


Nduthi chairman @kush yule mnono fungua depot ya Arimis for a dozen new customers.


Hahahaha Sweeeeeeeeeep Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaliiiiiiiiiiii

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the 21 do not have to be one a day…

:D:D:D:D:Dwe have no problem there at all…


Seems you’re not married or ina serious relationship. 26 days ni wewe!

3 in a month ni sawa. Sina time ya kugeuza mwili ya mtu kama tandarua ya trela


considering the rate at which wankers in this village wank, it’s safe to say some are already immune to prostate cancer.


There are couples who have sex morning and evening every day apart from those few days when it’s bound to get messy.
Do your math and see how much sex that is in a month.

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Hawa researchers kweli hawatakii @kush yule mnono mazuri na vile ameng’ang’ana kueka bajaj kando