Garbage Collection 2

This just a follow up to a post by @Randy and something that has always bothered me how we manage waste. Why cant we have an industrial scale waste incinerator: and fit it with scrubbers to clean out the smoke? Have one for every county, one would probably have a monopoly on waste incineration and probably counties would pay well for such a service. Lets put our heads together and beat ambaka on this, what would be the challenges in getting this done and would it be a lasting solution to the garbage problem?


who is ambaka? good idea though…

Hehe bounce ideas around

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I agree with you. Shida ni where will the money and political will power to implement this come from? Recycling of metal, plastic and paper needs to be another arm in waste management. Perhaps we could also ban polythene bags just like they do in Rwanda. That alone would cut down the amount of non biodegradable trash by a huge amount.

Think for this to be done effectively has to be a private sector initiative ie as an investor, partner with counties to provide land and a policy on where garbage will be taken, the sorting will have to be done by the investor and can be used as a means of creating employment to the locals in the area. And there would be a much smaller footprint than the garbage mounds

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It is easier said than done.

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I once watched a documentary on waste management in South Korea. Yaani those guys dig huge pits and bury their degradable trash. Halafu once the pit is full they cover it and build something awesome on top, like a golf course, stadium etc. Meanwhile they tap the methane that is produced by the buried, decomposing trash and use it to generate electricity. I was too impressed.


but not impossible, i imagine!..

The most abundant waste produced in counties is plastic , paper, wood, metal, vegetable, glass if sorting is done for these and taken to the respective industries for recycle and left with probably vegetable and paper doesnt it become more manageable? And probably figure out a way to turn the vegetable waste to manure…

Incinerating is worse and costly.

I agree its hard, but nobody seems willing to get their hands dirty, literally and I think the opportunity lies therein @captain obvious I know a farmer who runs his house on electricity produced by methane gas from cowdung

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How so?

Emissions and energy used to burn tge waste.

Thats why I said put scrubbers to clean out the emissions from smoke. NB You are only dealing with municipal waste, not medical and industrial waste. On energy consumption its a balance between how much is one charging counties and utility payments.

The heat generated from incineration can in turn be used to run power generation plants. It’s a massive undertaking but the results would be a win win situation all over.

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And what about the carbon footprint?

See Sweden hadi wana import waste


The scrubbers would help reduce that to a great extent, and depending on how its done can be self sustaining with minimal impact

There lies an opportunity in recycling ever since this the idea came mind,I have been reading a lot about recycling and I found that plastics can be recycled to make football Jerseys i like idea and i think its viable business venture.


same thought as a desalination plant at the coast