
They brought business into our home and created thousands of jobs and you are here with such nonsense? Pathetic. Pathetic.

how much taxes are they paying ?

not an inch more not an inch less looool :stuck_out_tongue:

What businesses? Wachukue zote warudishe kwao!
I wonder why Uhuru is being soft on them he should close the border for a month and see them cave

I don’t expect that guy to do anything of substance in the next 36 months he is in office

Uhuru is a big disappointment, wakiwa na that other mzee.

Uhuru has never taken a strong stand for the interests of Kenya, very useless.


Upuzi from this fake professor from Murang’a. Kenya is an artificial construct of British imperial ambitions. Since 1963 it has had a chance to become a proper nation but instead it is nothing more than a vehicle of self-enrichment for a handful of families.

Ata hizo gas deposits that these fools are bleating over itaenda into private pockets or worse still, foreign pockets.

This guys pay less than 20% taxes they are supposed to pay.

What the majority of Kenyans don’t know about is that there are Kenyan- Somalis and the Somalis from Somalia who fraudulently acquired Kenyan IDs and passports.

95% of the Somali owned businesses and buildings in Kenya are owned by Somalis From Somalia , with fake Kenyan documents.
They live in affluent neighborhoods in Nairobi.
Now on the other hand , Kenyan-Somalis are poor and struggling like the rest of other Kenyans.
You will find a majority of them in the civil service , or small boutiques or others hawking watches ,perfumes and clothes even in the rural areas …
If you go to North Eastern , there is a lot of poverty ,there are few huge investments but mostly done by a few native businessmen and former public servants like retired army and teachers etc. Former public servants are the richest. 80% of their rich people are middle class civil servants in the army,police, teachers etc
Some of the Kenyan-somalis partnered with the somalis from Somalia to start huge businesses but the capital came from Somalis from Somalia.

the Somalis from Somalia with fake passports are shrewd businessmen with no loyalty to Kenya. They only came to make money .Most of them are tax evaders, money launderers , counterfeiters etc . They are the ones who have the entire KRA , police,immigration ,ACA,KEBS, KAA, Mombasa port , etc in their pockets.

So, if it were possible he should take early leave. There is also his technocrat cabinet who are compliant to demands of the elite.

true, ajiondoe mapema

This is just an attempt by this propagandist to divert attention from the Kenyan government by creating a common enemy out of the Somali.

If those Somali are thriving in Kenya, that means they invest that money here and not back home.

He is a xenophob and his penis is small.

Has this fake professor also complained about Indians. Why do curries always go unmentioned. Somalis are not building killer dams & dominating industry.
It’s very silly & hypocritical to pretend to complain about colonizers when mzungus are the ones who created Kenya’s borders in the first place.
It’s very easy to distract Kenyans. Upuzz…

Why are we complaining about this, isn’t Africa as a whole moving towards having a single passport in 2065?

Before you judge other, look yourself into a mirror. How much do you pay?

starving terrorists

Lol. Where is your evidence? Conspiracies is just how bigots make sense of what they can’t understand. No one was given handouts, folks worked for what they got from years and years of hustling.

Unlike Somalis, Indians don’t blow us up. Also, without their manufacturing/retail/textile and horticultural industries constantly putting Kikuyu businessmen on their toes, tungekuwa nyuma sana.