Fuliza gift


Then, somebody will rush to court and his directive will be put to hold, untill the case is resolved, hii inaweza enda hadi Supreme court, that will be an upward of one year or so.
Would love to see how Rurto would react to it.

Apo sawa

All it takes is a CBK directive moving fuliza from an overdraft facility (here is where they hide to avoid being regulated) to a loan facility…
Anyway see my link above to see how CBK can be used to frustrate you.
If Ruto wants to frustrate Uhuru he has ALL the instruments to do so including parliament and other non legal means!

So Fuliza ikifungwa where will hustlers get cash?

Fuliza should be re analyzed to serve business peoples. Hustlers ku fuliza ni kuongeza tu burden and unnecessary stress za “tuma kwa ile line ingine.”

Wasukume wilbarow na mikoko. They have to start down upwards

Siwezi fuliza more than fixed price

Buy ones that will fit in easily with a future upgrade of your fence. eg Chainlink upgrade.