Fucked up tax system

Tax on 35% gambling.? :rolleyes:

Is it taxed on an individual or a corporation… ??
If its individual,
Lets do a simple math

I have staked 50 kes on a 1.3odd sportpesa , by chance i win that, . adds to 65 total winnings.

Profit before tax 65kes
Profit after tax (less 0.35) 65-22.75

Accrued profit 42.25
Stake 50
Deficit 7.75
equals to ‘nemo dat quad non habet doom’

Ni mimi sijafika secondary bado ama current court proceedings are null and void?

Kenya is in the drain, karibu kenya

correction, 15 bob profit before tax

Tax will be on the winnings. And the tax is a fifth of your winnings… i.e 20% not 35%. So, in essence, if you win Kshs after placing a bet of Kshs 50, total tax will be 0.15*20= Ksh 3. Consequently 15-3= 12. You win Kshs 12

Thus your betting account will reflect a new balance of 50+12= Kshs 62.

If you stake 50 bob, how is your profit before tax 65 bob? are you dimwit? It is 15. This is how analysts do in our TVs, exhibiting utter ignorance.

After kukaza 90 mins, sweating during halftime, having migranes on the additional minutes added as extra time, after the final whistle I jump in joy i have won, and just like that Uhuru and his stupid taxes cuts a whopping 20% on my win?? Fcuk this country!!!

Umeniangusha…hii ni hesabu ya pre-school.

Now it is time to see who the addicts are. Mimi hugamble na bookies wa majuu apana sumbuana na KRA.

:smiley: Wacha ufala…weka slip

Na kama unatumia bank for the transactions, KRA itakula tuuuuu…Ngombe ya Mulinyoo…

go mop your brains then :smiley:

kwani KRA watanifuata hadi paypal

Yaani gambling is that big in .ke? Mimi tangu jariauri chieth ahame na 4k yangu nilisema sigwes tena

Hesabu sida

Apana, lakini ukiwithdraw pesa ya gambling directly to your bank account, njiraini anapewa uhondo by the bank…

@Shiroe unasumbua