So there’s this guy I knew from a place I lived years back. Some years ago when I was doing long distance farming, he was my pointman at the farm. He was a zealous worker who always got things satisfactorily done.
Not long after I discontinued the farming, his mother died. Sometime after the burial, he contacted. I empathized with his situation and asked him to come to my place. Though employed, in endeavours to diversify income streams, I always have some jua kalis that keep me busy when not at work. I linked him up with some contractor where he could be apprenticing as he earns something little for himself.
After receiving complaints from the contractor, I wanted to know what the matter was. He was no longer the hard worker I knew. What I saw in him was someone resigned to fate, buckled under stress, unambitious and ducked into the old refuges of the solitude and self-pity.
I just thought the loss was weighing him down and he would get over it. I asked him to choose a preferred course and enroll. I could help him out with fees and when I have some kibarua I go with him. He settled for a business course against my advice but I thought, after all, college ni kufungua akili; so many people excel in fields they didn’t specialize in college.
So the guy clears from college. He just couldn’t learn any of the technical skills after years of accompanying me to several sites. He’s the kind of guy who can’t even replace a light bulb. Professionally and occupationally we’re just divergent. But what’s worrying is at 26 he doesn’t seem to be focused and has no plans with his life. He has a sister with whom they never get along. Last weekend she calls me and she’s blaming for making her brother lazy and unconcerned with life. Reason? Comfort. No rent, no bills. He has a place to live and he never goes to bed hungry.
Now, how do I get this fellow to take life seriously and live independently? I want to give him about four months to put his life together and leave my house. I will be happy to see him doing well but if he doesn’t, I’ll say I tried.
Peleka yeye knh youth centre. Psychiatry services are free, unalipia dawa na fare tu. We are losing young people because they don’t have access to such info.
I @Ekiarambe have only one handle here. Multihandlers like @Bottoms think every other talker has multiple handles. They keep mutating from handle to another after soiling their reputation bragging to strangers
There is a story of one guy in FSK that resembles this guy. While in form 1 and early form 2 this nigger was very sharp and used to be amongst the top 20. One day his mum passed on and he was not significantly affected as he would make jokes and interact with the mourners. After the burial life went on and he went back to school. The second week after jamaa arudi was visiting day. Towards evening jamaa aka uliza cube mate “seems like today my mum won’t visit me”. This took the nigger by surprise and he inquired further only to realize nigger was talking about his deceased mum. Hapo aka mkalisha chini and explained everything from her death to burial. Jamaa aka anza Sasa kulia na ujue over the entire funeral hakulia.
The whole night, jamaa alilia na by Monday wakampeleka guiding and counseling but it never really helped. His grades dropped significantly and he moved from a sharp student to an average student. Severally he was counseled but he never recovered the loss. Sorry about your friend but don’t give up on him.
To come back the being the useful guy he was your friend needs to undergo a rehabilitation program. Bure kumuongelesha tu in the name of counseling won’t be sufficient.
If somebody is not feeling good, then he should visit a doctor. There are also good psychiatrists who can help when people feel depressed. Solution for this issue should not be searched over forums