Vipi wazito.mnakumbuka ile story nliwachapia ya bibi wa neiba.hahahaha.this life if fun y lie.mzee ameenda safari na huyo mamah alinishow jana vile tu aliona nimeingia kejani kwamba leo anataka nimpeleka rave.wah,sema kujengewa friday mapema.kama fisi siezi kataa offer kama hii,.ako job pia town so tukitoka jioni tunaanzia hepi tribeka.hii nitakamua kutoka leo hadi sunday .fun friday iwanice
Make sure unachezea home ground away ni risky
hii ni way game man.siezi chekea home
Boss, when plot sex escapades explode. They go supernova.
If I where I would have plan A,B and C all tested to Pitstop execution.
Your turn will come! Jiheshimu
You are uncultured
Si i thot u wanted nuthin more to do with this mama…well this was the perfet opportunity ya kujitoa. F*ck her one more time and yr back to square 1
Si i thot u wanted nuthin more to do with this mama…well this was the perfet opportunity ya kujitoa. F*ck her one more time and yr back to square 1
hii kitu imeiva natry kujitoa but nashindwa
Ile ndurama findeo ya baba Sean hata haijamaliza 1 week!
Ile ndurama findeo ya baba Sean hata haijamaliza 1 week!
i play safe man
Not to rain on your parade, but bibi za watu wachana nao. Naweza chinja mtu.
mtu akikuletea kuma bure utakataa alafu mkienda rave ni yueye anabuy nyama na pombe.siezi lenga mie
Mind you ni neiba. Hama mzee.
wacha kuendelea kujichimbia shimo by now unafaa kua ulipea landlord notice ya kuhama end month
If you have ever been to a ruracio then you know that we men buy nunus in very elaborate and tedious ceremonies. Ati ununulie the peros nguo wamama wakijiji lesos tanki ya maji etc.
Saa hizo wewe na maboys wako mume jichocha kutokelezea huko na dont forget umebeba clan yenu ya ocha.
Apana cheza bwana. It is not funny when someone “kulias” you your mtu.
[FONT=Courier New]“tamaa mbele mauti baadaye”[/FONT]
Used to fuck a single mum last year but husband Yake akamwendea kwa vile Aliambiwa namfinya…several months down the line ako pregnant and she keeps oncalling but siwezi rudi hapo coz I suspect I’m responsible… so jitoe na mapema
Msiba wa kujitakia huambiwi pole
Boos acha kudinyia wasee ma bibi? Siku yako itafika na utalia sana