Incoherent gibberish.
Sijaelewa shifo
@Freyja lives on red chillies, yesterday’s ugali and black tea. Her only dream of marriage is to find a eunuch to bring some crazily peppered porridge to her in bed at noon.
She should have stayed dead
No, death is cold. I’m sure you can still find some creative use for a soft and warm living Freyja, even as wild as she is.
Chifù I’m more insulted by the fact that you think I’m a facebook user.
So you aren’t on zukapaka?
:D:D:D:D why are you like dis ?
I’m sure she’s using a dead language coz I don’t understand what she’s going on about.
I can already hear you complaining: did he just call me unattractive, cold and lazy?!
No my dear. I’m just being cruel so as to be kind. Stop eating that way, or you’ll develop hard lines on the sides of the mouth, and that vacant, red-eyed stare that frightens children.
He can… if he brings a pair of cuffs. I do enjoy my little deaths - la petite mort.
Umesahau our other dear and very SINGLE ladies @TrumanCapote na @Coronatities ?
I think the problem with 8-4-4 is that it did not prepare Kenyan boys and girls on the realities of marriage and parenting.
Back in the day there used to be a practical exercise where every girl would choose a boy in class and then mnapewa an egg to take care of and you must not crack the egg. In the U.S it is called an egg baby project. It prepares the young teens psychologically on the realities of marriage and parenting.
Mr. @Sambamba Waciuri grew up being taught that girls are dangerous creatures. They have AIDS and STDs and if they get pregnant your life is finished, wewe KWISHA!!!
Under 8-4-4 and during the AIDS pandemic, the young girls @TrumanCapote and @Coronatities were taught that boys are dangerous!!! Never trust anything a boy says. Don’t let them touch you or put their arm on you or worst of all talk to you. Boys lie and they cause AIDS, STD and pregnancy. Marriage is prison, RUN!!!
Ndio huyo Tuju na yeye na zile sinema zake just to make the situation one million times worse.
In traditional society boys and girls were taught their roles in marriage.
Girls were taught how to cook, how to wash clothes, how to bathe and clean the pussy, how to wash a child, how to talk to men, how to deal with men respectfully.
Boys were taught how to handle women, how to deal with women, how not to abandon the family, how to be proud to be a dad & that children = wealth , that marriage isn’t a bad thing, how to appreciate the wife etc etc.
And they had traditional dances and pairing ndio watu wajuane. Na ukitomba apate mimba lazima umchukuwe ukae na yeye.
Lawds ! You are like a dog with a bone on this one. :D:D
I think she imagined or dreamt that that Silas chap got married. Apparently she has beef with him over his MGTOW die hard stance, so she is trying to hit at him. Or could it be hit on him? Who knows!
I hate being compared to dogs! But I see there’s hope:D:D:D
Nini hizi?
I’ve had to go thru their timelines out of curiosity.
From their posts you can tell they throw playful jibes at each other all the time. That’s their thing.