I thought this is where to get a tight pussy but I was flabbergasted. Hii weekend imepita nimekua na kadem kamemaliza high skul juzi, the hopes were high ati am getting a tight n fresh pussy. Wah, I almost fainted when I went down there. The pussy was very big and watery. The only consolation was boobs. They were standing and good shaped. Wanakijiji, tight pussies zimebakia wapi kama huyu ametoka shule juzi na ako hivi?
No problem here.it’s just that your pen…is… small:D:D:D
Toothpick detected
You have a small penis. Next?
It depends with the Genes, Some river Lake Nilotes wanakuanga very big n watery.
[wow gif]
MAN is divided into three classes, viz. the hare man, the bull man,
and the horse man, according to the size of his lingam.
WOMAN also, according to the depth of her yoni, is either a female
deer, a mare, or a female elephant.
The problem with most of you talkers is lack of important knowledge about high and low unions. i.e A hare man cannot satisfy the elephant woman.
Mambo ya penis na Vagina ni procreation.
Hii mambo ya kusema toothpick, theater, mkome kabisa. Mzae na muache kuongea juu ya hizo mboro/kuma zenu.
ION, Obviously dem akishafika 15 yrs ashachangamkiwa na Raia. Story za kumeet virgin hii generation sahau. Unless you are a paedohile rapist.
Kwenda kapsaa…shida yenu millenials siku hizi ni kujiweka tu mbele…you dont give a hoot about your partner , bora umwage.
Your millenial wimmins too fake their orgasms to please you… hamsaidiki.:D:D:D
There is nothing like tight pussy / loose pussy. Pussy remains the same so long as the woman has not given birth, which always reverts to original size in six months. Stop spreading misinformation and silly myths, and deal with your small penis problems alone. It is unfortunate that such misinformation is coming from a VE.
Someone, a friend confessed to me exactly this last Friday. Mimi nilimuangalia tuu.
:D:D:D…damn. Leta hekaya madam.
Acha tuconfirm[ATTACH=full]166763[/ATTACH]
Hawa wasee husema kuma ni majimaji hawaelewi that inafaa kuwa maji maji?
Zmaaall penis confirmed