Frequent visitors

These are very frequent visitors, at my door…[ATTACH=full]441990[/ATTACH]


Enyewe bazu uko na shida nyumba ya kurent na Bado una complain…SI uhame ama haulipishwi:D:D:D

[li]put a big screen tv there[/li][li]play a video on loop of a monkey being roasted and eaten[/li][li]thank me later[/li][/ul]

They consider you as a bird of the same feather

He has not complained

One day you will accidentally corner one. Then utajua ujui.

Nunua slingshot

:D:D:Dhuyu amekuita monke


Kwa hako ka varanda. What if he comes running in, before the primate has a chance to jump through the burglar proof?

:D:D:D:D shots fired!

What may happen?

Self defence. Itakurarua uso.

They are a bit violent to our female neighbors. …The serenity, and staying with the monkeys and bush babies, makes me enjoy staying at the place

In Congo that’s lunch.

Trap moja wao and beat it like a burukenge as the escapees run for dear cover while they’re within an earshot of the haunting dying cries of their kin. Hang the carcass mahali visible to the rest of the bonobos. Even their human cousins will fear coming close to your walls. Thank me later

juzi @PHARMACY ameweka pics hizo monkey zimechukua mtoi wa simba na kuenda nayo, huogopi zinaweza chukua junior ziende Boni forest kum raise akuwe Tarzan

You see that clothline: iconnect kwa socket…
Hizi jamaa are very wise: they never forget…
