Freedom of conscience and religion threatened

Directorate of Criminal Investigations - DCI

There is an emergence of a cult operating within Nairobi that targets youths especially students in the University. The cult believes that there are three gods namely: true god,false god and random god.They also believe that the random god is the one who fails them because he is not firm with his decisions and that his answers are not straight. Members are expected to sacrifice what they love most to prove loyalty to the organization. Therefore, the Director of Criminal Investigations takes this time to caution members of the public and urge parents to keep a keen eye on their children to deter them from being recruited to such evil organizations. The Directorate of Criminal Investigations is closely monitoring the activities of the cult. Parents and the general members of the public are encouraged to seek psychological guidance from professional counselors and religious institutions when they notice unusual change of behavior in their children.For assistance kindly contact us on our social media handles: Twitter @DCI_kenya and Facebook account.


You’d think the DCI has already solved all real pending cases. You know, like homicide.

you think it is curtailment of freedoms until they harm someone close to you then yuak -“where was the government?”…

Where has it been said that the group is violent Gashwin?

it is said somewhere that they sacrifice “what they love most”…how do you interprete that?

word, e.g. 'pie’
[li]1.[/li]an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to a deity.
“they offer sacrifices to the spirits”
synonyms:ritual slaughter, hecatomb, immolation, offering, oblation;More

Christ’s offering of himself in the Crucifixion.

Shithole manenos…

Have you realized that lately a lot of people have been disappearing without a trace ?

WhatsApp imejaa tu missing notices. I’m sure there is a connection.

Ama yule kijana alichinja sistake pale kahawa sukari.

Here is the reason:

hii k24 yako ni gani?

ME sijui. Like I said… I don’t watch Kenyan TV… but hii uniliokota pale whatsapp…

I think you need to come back out of retirement… hii retirement yako is making you post very fake news and siku hizi that is a criminal offence…