FREE: Cute Boy Game When Broke

After that Kelvin Mwangi thread, I have decided to give game for free to y’all cute boys.

“I’ve been in this game for years, it made me an animal
It’s rules to this shit, I wrote me a manual
A step-by-step booklet for you to get
Your game on track, not your wig pushed back
Rule Numbre Uno, never let no one know
How much dough you hold cause you know” - Notorious B.I.G - Ten Crack Commandments, 1997

All the below is based on the natural fact that a handsome guy will appear confident to anyone who sees them and can take it up a notch higher with the charisma tricks below.
The second and GREATEST advantage handsome men have is, they are assumed to be CONFIDENT and intelligent, savvy and deep-pocketed. All human beings will view a handsome man and a beautiful lady at higher light most especially if you are brown-skinned. Pictrure any handsome guy friends you have and you will see that you have always sub-consciously viewed them as confident. e.g. Willy Paul, Alvan Gatitu, Babu Owino, Otile Brown, Lloyd banks, Pascal Tokodi, etc. Just have a good pair of jeans, glasses, matching shoes and a leather jacket and you are 99% there. No need for that fat salo, social status and car nonsense from PUA losers.

  1. Understand the first rule in women’s minds that they never say it out loud - “He should first look good and then approach me, men should NOT fear women.” For you slow handy mofos, she means, she’s always open to any cute guy that will approach her and that CUTE men should have the courage to approach. Women use POWER TALK (google that). Infact I can meet a strange women and start caressing her boobs and ass within the first 5 minutes of chatting, you know why? If you are CUTE, they will let you do it (and I’m talking women of all ages here just so you know).

  2. Talk slick when in the presence of a lady you wanna fwuack. An example of slick talk:
    Normal talk: This weekend I have no plans so I just stay indoors watching movies.
    Slick talk: Manze nimekuwa nikikunywa ma-whiskey sana. Hii wikendi inabidi nibadilike na ki-sci-fi hivi, nataka kuchapa movie-marathons.

  3. Dress good and IMAGE - the problem with most good-looking guys is that they had so much pussy thrown at them in their teenage and early twenties that they forget the other aspects of game i.e. Looks and status. Dress good, get a good haircut and exercise at-least twice a week. Pesa wachia other-category-looking guys. Women will bang handsome guys for SEXUAL PLEASURE and NOT money. Yep, she will expect a good time but it won’t cost as much as the ‘other guys’. The game of dressing for a handsome guy is simple: invest on accessories i.e. watches, necklaces and bracelets. This work best, plus good shoes for good measure.

  4. Body language and IMAGE - hand gestures always ‘kill women’. Let’s assume uko kwa club na kuna some chicks across you, if you aren’t solo, chat your friend with hand gestures. Do not overdo it though. For the IMAGE part, go for a good photoshoot and use the pics for your profile pic on shosho mendia and see how your DMs get 5-second replies.

  5. Improve your IQ - Always remember you are a man and not a woman so you must invest in your brains. Read wide on science, philosophy, culture and entertainment. For me, I read on anything and in any group I might be in, I’m always well-versed in my shit. This will also work better in your profession.

  6. Natural leadership - Infact forget any other rule and learn this from me first-hand, handsome men always lead. I can go to a club and buy a cheap mzinga (Chrome, Smirnoff, Gilbeys, etc. - though I seldom drink this garbage) and suddenly anyone around will think it’s the shit. If you have a chick insisting on a date, take her to a hood mall and buy her fried chicken or pizza. She will most enjoy it as long you eat it together. ‘Other guys’ gotta do that KES 2,000+ a plate at a restaurant shit/ Naivasha-Subaru shit / Mombasa vacation shit / Road-trip shit/ Car-hiring shit / Car-loan shit.

  7. Always feign availability - the other biggest mistake cute boys make is showing their cards to bitches. Never let a woman you meet that you have a GF. Women will always FEEL good when they meet a cute guy and are assured that can quit their current man to come and fuck you (handsome dick on tap). Always lie, they don’t care as long as the lie comes from a handsome face. I learnt this the hard way, chicks would always shit test me, “Wewe na ukona dem mbona hutosheki na yeye”, I would then take a hit to the ego and say some stupid shit like, “Dem yangu hana noma”. These days I respond to such shit head-on, “Mimi sinanga dem, wewe ndo nataka kudinya.”.

  8. Learn your place in the sexual market - SIMPING is for the ‘other guys’. Never expose your ego to a woman just coz you wanna fuck her. You approach and she is not interested? Move on to the next-one-Jay Z-style. After a rejection, I always don my space suit, naingia kwa Falcon X and jet outta her presence and in my mind I be like, “Let’s see if she gets fucked by superman”.

  9. Understand it is a game and be cut-throat - Use your looks to your advantage and don’t give in to that fucker-shit about ladies not giving a fuck about a man’s looks - this is a passive-aggressive shit from ‘guys’. Cute guys get laid with minimum effort and most of my lays were same-day lays with minimum battering to my ego. Don’t pity these other sad-fucks. Make your dent in this universe.

  10. Be ready to handle envy - from both bitches and the other guys. When you are handsome you get to learn that there is no difference between an insecure woman and a not-so-good-looking man.

Bonus rule: Never date energy vampires OR ugly bitches - these two creatures will take you from a top-shot to a SIMP in no time. Good examples here: Otile Brown, Brown Mauzo, Tyga, Nas, etc.

Women will cum much quicker and multiple-times when fucked by handsome guys. They are also ALWAYS READY to give a blowjob and do kinky stuff for you. always lead in the bedroom.






CBA only thread :D:D:D:D

All that shit for what … while u can buy it for less than 150 … yaani a buck fiddy. You really can’t make some o’ this shit up.

this is slick talk?


You are reading so many books on how to attract women. hizo ni theories tu.

Yea Bro


Mafi tupu


Gym instructors don’t know all these stories and they are not having short supply.


Original thread Iko wapi?

Tafuta senti haya mateso yote yakuondokee.
