adel si atengenezwe mameno akiwa huko frans?
Still whining about colonization za punjab warlords, the future is tech and could have been the theme
The recent innovations in mass media has produced a generation that has grown being exposed to a lot of information. Info that people would not only get from those in authorities or mentors, times have changed.
colonization was a necessary evil. it was in the past but its effects and pain is still felt till date. Just look at Australia, New Zealand and the Americas…
You cannot sweel colonisation under the carpet. It happened, societies were decimated and the impact is here with us now and in decades to come.
You sweeping it under the carpet, is the failure to acknowledge she is speaking about.
Full Adella Onyango brave speech
Kindly… leave the sister alone.
Why should France be told this? This is a projection of how we are useless over 60 years after independence. We are free yet we act as people still in chains.
Yes, France is exploiting. But the onus is on Africa to end the exploitation. Surely, we do not need France to do that. Begging the power that is benefiting from the exploitation to end that exploitation is not only defeatist but also shows just how helplessly we are held by imaginary chains. That summit embarrassingly displayed pitiful powerlessness. A bow in hand begging for mercy will take Africa nowhere. Never appeal for mercy
Hehe na mbona maghaseer walikuwa wanatulazimisha kusomea French in primary school? They wasted my time bwana. Hata kuomba kuma in french sijui hadi wa leo
Very intelligent and confident lady, a good narrator too.
hai! the first thing we were taught ni kuambia msichana donne moi tonne pusse silvoupuolay:D:D
kwani ulikuwa unasoma french southern sudan?
Nothing brave about this speech, just glossing over things without any sort of evidence. That speech by Adella Onyango is designed to appease people and lacks substance- I classify this as some sort of self-glorification. If you listen keenly there is no call to action.
I am sure her parents are somewhere applauding her instead of being very afraid for her life. If she was calling for the implementation of recommendations from a corruption report/enquiry… or naming prominent persons who have been implicated in corruption, and who France is currently working with, then that would be an excellent starting point.
As for now. This is just another waste of time, an opportunity to seek recognition for self-benefit. Even Uhuru agrees with everything she said.
I know people will not even remember what she said other than she is a good orator, yadda yadda yadda yadda, she deserves a job blah blah blah.
This useless waste of time. I am okay with self-indulgence, glorification and exaltation but in this case, I can’t help but feel it is a wasted opportunity. I won’t be surprised if Uhuru invited her to the white-house - and I am certain she would find some justification to show up for selfies. Absolutely shambolic!
Matusi wacha priss…
Armageddon apparently meant to reveal that which is hidden.
@tall mnyama everywhere , necessary evil is an oxymoron.
Heshimu Wazee
The French invited the consumers of western culture aka the empowered middle class…
They looking for soft mind who will act as landing ground for French neocolonization amid surging Chinaman growth in Africa.
How is Adele a youth? Hiyo mama si inaelekea kugonga fotee?
Adele anakuwanga vampire