How crazy can things be? Carlson is on contract with fox Hadi 2025 Jan ie after US Elections. Now that they have parted ways, Fox doesn’t want to cancel the contract as a means of keeping Carlson off their competitors. That means they’re willing to continue paying him $20 million per year for him not to work!
On the other hand, Tucker Carlson has already received better offers than he was being offered by fox. So he wants to fight to have the Fox contract cancelled
Fox had no choice…more lawsuits are on the way courtesy of Tucker n other commentators. I saw someone say the amount paid in the 1st lawsuit was about twenty something percent of fox’s money. At that point keeping Tucker on air is a liability. Letting him go ataenda kuropokwa n make matters worse. I doubt a major news organization will pick him. He will probably get something similar to Joe Rogan’s podcast na hapo he has to be careful skating with the truth as he did in fox.
Excuses miiiiingi. Tucker was let go because of his truthful coverage of corrupt Nazi-infested Ukraine. Hio ingine ni mnyambo wa poonder. If it was about the Jan 6th riots then he isn’t the only one who would have been fired. If he’s such a liability, why not release him from his contract so he can be someone elese’s problem?
The main reason he was let go was knowingly lying about voting systems. Internal emails showed he knew the claims were lies yet he went on air with them. Plus an employee he worked with made some recordings of him. Since he was working for Fox they are liable so letting him go so he can blabber about the lawsuits is risky…that’s my guess though.
But he wasn’t the only one who knowingly lied about voting systems, so why was he the only one who was fired? That was the excuse. The real reason was his anti-war stance. There were celebrations at the Pentagon when the announcement was made, I wonder why? He was the only mainstream media host who didn’t tow the government line on Ukraine.
He featured largely in the false claims. When u r a major reason ur employer has to fork over close to 800m someone is gonna pay for that. With future lawsuits most likely other employees will pay with their jobs as well. The guy is a con as are most fox guys.
Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham also “featured largely” in the false claims. Why haven’t they been fired? Also, Fox hasn’t explicitly stated they fired Carlson because of the Dominion drama, they just chose that particular time to let him go because they knew everyone would link it to the defamation case. Instead they’ve given some weak “contributing factors”…sijui he typed some racist stuff, mara he called some woman a cunt…very nonsensical arguments when has Fox ever had an issue with Tucker’s white supremacist views?
Kwenda Huko!..Wapi hio offer? Lies plus lies.
Kwani which other news outlet has that kinda $$$$ outside the well-known main media who have openly rejected him?