The private jets and Rolls Royce of Gambia’s ex-dictator are being sold to pay off some of the debt he left behind.
According to IMF, Gambia debt is whopping 130% of GDP as at the end of 2017 and more than half of that is owed to the international community.
This is what bad leadership and dictatorship does to a country, it ruins the economy and cripples the nation. Choose your leaders wisely. Ignore tribal loyalty, religious devotion and vote for wise leaders with visions and plans for the country.[ATTACH=full]170300[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]170301[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]170302[/ATTACH]
Bravo! Very good thinking! However, it’s important to note that wise and visionary leaders means Ouru to Kiuks, WSR to Kalenjins, RAO to Luos, Kalonzo to Kambas, MaDVD to Luhyas, Joho to Coastarians, and so on and so forth. Good thing is that in Kenya, we already have those leaders you have described there and that’s why our economy is doing so well. In fact, we have never had better leaders since independence!
@gashwin I gave you a case study of rich african presidents/flamboyant always rule poor citizens. You lamented that I like giving irrelevant examples just to prove a point. Back to my quote of case study, this is the Yahya Jammeh I quoted. Do you know how poor gambia is? Another country Chad, do you know how rich the president is and do you know how poor the people are? I don’t throw things around. Thought you should know.
Jammeh now in exile. No place as good as home. Anakaa fuko sasa. Just before he left for exile, he wept clean gambian’s bank vault. [ATTACH=full]170315[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]170316[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]170317[/ATTACH]
You bring a valid point. From time to time I am invited for nyamchom with friends. As usual, amongst other things, we spend the whole evening discussing the state of affairs and current useless leaders. And we criticise all of them. As the evening winds down we begin to brainstorm who can be the next crop of leaders to rescue. You would think someone will stand up and say the likes of Central Banks opus dei, for one. But no. A Kamba dude stands up and says thats why I like Kalonzo. Mkisii will tell you Nyachae is the future, etc.
I have no issue with dictatorship really. Issue is good leadership. China just got rid of the presidential term limits. They are on course to overtake the US as an economic behemoth. I think the secret lies in the requirements to joining the Chinese Communist Party. To have a reasonable chance of joining, you have to have been in the top 5% of your university class. About an IQ of 125 to get invited. In China the party members are technocrats. Think Elon Musk, Billy Gates, Micheal Dell, Stephen Hawking, Steve Wozniak etc are the party members and tasked with important duties. You wont find global warming denial in China like in the US. Hautapata mtu hivi hivi in the ruling party. Joho with his D is a deputy party leader, kina Waititu, Sonko and the likes ndio kusema in their parties. During Mau evictions si kuna MP alikuwa anadai ati mvua inatoka juu not from the trees. Sensitive parliament committees are full of political croonies. Those mps usually turn up for the allowance and some don’t even speak. Ni rahisi kuwachanganya na maneno hearings. Even Zuckerberg confused the senators during a recent hearing. You can’t find this idiocy in China. It’s the experts doing the questioning. The end result of China’s system is pure focus on development and bettering the country, no time for sideshows. After you become a member, you’ll be asked to disclose, under oath, your finances and update your disclosure every 12 months. You’ll always be subject to much stricter supervision and held to much higher moral standards than your neighbors, too. Hapa Kenya kuwa party member is a ticket to buffoonery. Tano tena!
China and India are nothing special, all the US is looking at is the market, if just a quarter of the Chinese population was to buy a US product that would greatly boost the US economy and the only way that market can be viable is by economically empowering the Chinese population and that is precisely what happened, US companies shifting production to China majorly to create a market and also benefit from cheap labour. Note that these US companies started by setting up assembly plants in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Hong Kong before moving into China.
Umegonga ndipo. Am convinced that as a country we’ll never achieve the heights of the Asian tigers ( not in my lifetime anyway) as meritocracy of any kind, in majority of the situations, is never rewarded. Imagine a Kenyan, someone like Xi Jinping, steadfast on enforcing an anti corruption agenda, rising up from the grassroots to lead this country. Impossible. We instead glorify “hustlers” just because the word identifies with what the common folk undergo on a daily basis. Is it so hard to discern what a politician stands for based on their actions in the past? As they say we deserve the leaders we choose. But does it apply when the majority of the electorate is misguided?
There is alot of positive things to write about the communist party, lakini hapa wewe umemeza propaganda yao hook line and sinker. Hakuna system ran by men hii dunia that comes close to what you are describing. Communist party huwa na nepotism, na ile corruption huwa huko pia si kidogo