Wadau, ninasafiri next week kuenda Europe. Both countries I’ll visit use Euros. Sasa shida ni eti niko na Dollars and apparently to change em to Euros, lazima kwanza I convert to KES. Ambapo naona nikipoteza precious money.
Hakuna place naweza pata USD-EUR directly? Ama will it be better I change in Europe once I land there?
Forget all that and get the I&M travel Card in $ or €. It’s the most convenient way to carry your cash especially where most payments are made electronically.
As @Masgwembe has said above, get a prepaid visa card…
I normally use the NIC visa prepaid card. Just deposit the money in the card in USD and you will withdraw or pay for what you need anywhere in Europe/world in local currency e.g. Euros. I noticed that the rates are very good as no commissions are charged . The card itself of only Kshs 480. Very convinient
Dollars are accepted anywhere in EU,ukifika just walk into any bank or forex shop kwa airport and convert.
Weka evidence ya air ticket,visa,hotel booking etc…
The card in itself is very good when swiping (no charge) but has a bitch of charges if you have to withdraw at the atm. Always have cash at hand…
Use your ATM. You can withdraw any currency whenever you get to EU. Just remember to have cash in your account.
Yeah, get the I & M multicurency card, I think they process it in two to three days. Thank me later.
Just how much money are we talking about here… Ushinde hapa umesumbua wanakijiji
Some branches it’s instant eg Sarit.
Multicurrency card wins. All the time except when withdrawing cash, as said above.