Foreign Aid

The USAID spend about 19 Billion in Kenya as at 2024 for various projects

If Kenya makes deductions from the State House and Office of the President budgets etc…etc
That money will be raised and Trump can go and F–ck himself…!!!

That’s how simple the situation is …!!:rage::hotsprings:

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Now consider the billions lost daily…

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Sure, but how many officials do you know who have real discipline with public money? The problem is not the unavailability of money, it’s the culture of theft


I fully agree
But I know one good man who made a difference for his people:blush::+1:

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USAID is just one. The US spends over $1 billion annually in Kenya.

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And their employees lived like Kings and Queens while the local population struggle to net 15k monthly. No poverty grifting for these NGO’s.

70 percent was used as admin costs

It is honest work and they also spend like kings.