That is why you should move from 150 bob brothels to 500 bob ones otherwise utakufa maskini.
You are at your most vulnerable state ukiwa kwa your supposed comfort zone.
Dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Living above your means is one of if not the top reason most people go broke.
Wachawi ndio wamejaza online villages with idiotic advice meant to mislead their fellow fools.
This is not always true. You might go bankrupt, uliza hawa kina Omosh…ama ulizia big companies like Nakumatt. Key to life is saving, not spending. Asset vs Liabilities
Risk taking kwa ufupi
What kind of advice is this, just live your normal life and take more risks and don’t sire kids carelessly
Malisa iyo patron ya calabash
True. To fill a water tank, the inflow must be more than the outflow.
Wacha fikira za kimaskini. Hakuna mahali savings zitakupeleka. Owe millions from the banks and saccos bora isikuwe pesa ulikojolea. Have you ever noticed those who parrot about savings huweka less than 10k per month kwa savings? Msee ni end month baadala aende akule nyama, akunywe pombe hata atombe malaya anajinyima eti anaweka 2k kama savings. Heri hata aende ajifunze welding ama mechanics na hio 2k kila mwezi inaweza msaidia baadaye. Mimi wiki ikapita kama sijalipa mtu sionangi kama mambo yangu yanaenda shwari. Hata kama ni lanye. Either I am paying wakas, suppliers, paying Kenya power, paying consultants, kulipa bill kubwa ya pombe na nyama, kulipia lodging na lanye etc. In fact I feel much better nikiona msururu wa watu na banks kwa line wakingoja payments. Hapo najua kuna ya maana kitu inaendelea kwa life yangu.
Upuss advice.
The key to wealth is not spending like a degenerate.
Neither is it saving. The first step is saving. The second step is to take calculated risks with the savings. Saving alone wont make you rich if you never risk that money. Also, if you never save you will never have enough money to take the calculated risks.
Live below your means----> Save the difference ------> Invest the savings
no comment.
Huyu jamaa anawadvise hapa ni broker wa magari (but sio kama ile ya Kairo) anatafta tu attention. If you can’t buy it twice you can’t afford it.
Hiyo ni advice ya low IQ women on Facebook chieth groups. I believe living within your means and being pragmatic about the reality of financial statistics is the key to success. Investing wisely is the next step. Spending like a lunatic or to show off is more dangerous than eating lanyes without protection