For those paying 100 bob for huduma number form ndio hii form

For those paying 100 bob for huduma number form ndio hii form

Why are people paying?

Kwani imefika kuuzwa ??

I went kuwekelea kidole yangu for the huduma number only to be told I need to fill a form which imeisha so i was directed to a cyber that had a form kuenda kutoa copy mwenye cyber akaniambia ni mia, Me and my IT went to and walaa the form iko available so I don’t want people to be exploited ati form si available.

In some parts hata wanauza 400-500 ksh…and someone has guts to tell us 20M have already registered

Wafuasi wa theoro wa not boarding sasa tena wanakimbilia kujiandikisha causing shortages