For The Vumbinistans Who Wonder Where We Spend $$$ In Bidenistan...



could have saved 8k?

Do they REALLY need netflix? Can they share apartments or live in a hostel while saving? Are they sick every month? Brunch?really? 17 total for lunch… Is that per month? Day? Why two lunch and coffee? Fizzy lemonade costs a dollar plus

Hao ni watu wa NYC, Cali, Seattle and these expensive ass cities. Huku NJ we pay $1500 rent for a 3br townhouse in a suburb, coffee I make at home with a coffee maker I cooped from Craigslist from an old mzungu, fuel is around $3 per liter hence I don’t do taxis, Netflix we co pay, Daktari? Haha we are Africans who were given strong herbs tukimea. Brunch is nonsense. You can go to the local community catch up where there is free food and drinks if you want to drink, I don’t pay students loans. Some prefer to live in small crumped city apartments so as to get the view of Times Square. Plus taxes in cities, which are majorly democrat controlled are high asf so as to fund trannies and bail out black thugs. Pathetic

You mean $3/gallon. The US never adapted the metric system.

Why do young healthy people take out expensive insurance policies. That’s why insurers target them. Unless you’re morbidly obese or treat your body like a waste bin, there’s a 99% chance you don’t need to see a doctor before you’re 40.

Where did you see Insurance listed?

Osha tunyanya bidestan bila kelele

Wishful thinking, bro. I can beat you even in Vumbinistan hands down with all your inherited makaa shillings. :stuck_out_tongue:

You must be the star diaper changer kwa nursing home

Yeah that one.

You can wish it all you want, but I never stepped anywhere near that profession.
Just because you come from a family who built their loot from makaa and tenderpreneur ship makes you think you’re that special.

Some of us are self-made and will always be better than you.

Okay boss. Usiaibikie diapers. They’re your bread and butter. If I worked diapers to help feed my family, I would not be bitter about it.

The pride and confidence of all chokora offsprings is quite evident.


Just like our university students in KU and Daystar

Coffee maker is $15 at Walmart. Why get one from a mzungu who had a Labrador Retriever drooling all over it.

I was broke proper when I needed it, plus tulikuwa tunaingia winter when bought it na the old man was moving to a residence home and it was like $7 only. I had only $10 on me.