For senior villagers and elders only

Matusi kando
Juzi juzi kuna mtu kwa hii kijiji aliweka thread ya fantasy with teachers sasa in relation to that am seeing a certain english teacher of mine (by then she was in her early 30s) in this dating apps and she is divorced sasa nimeshangaa buana what happened to Mrs Nganga (now she is over 45)

Can you be an adult male for a second. Are you:-
2.trying to fcuk?
4.wooing to date then fcuk?
5…or just seeing her?

Habari nusu nusu tutafanyia nayo nini?

[SIZE=1]A bladi pictorial representation of a 45 year old ,now miss Ng’ang’a would suffice[/SIZE]

Muchangamukie vizuri alafu uingie forest

[SIZE=1]In respect to her she deserves some dignity not to be seen in this village[/SIZE]
Mimi siwezi kula anything above 25 na iko kwa hizi dating apps
But Nafikiria kuwakilisha wanakijiji alafu niende karura

Wale walimu walikuwa wanaringa tukiwa premo sahii wamechapaaa.

Patiana namba basi

That’s natural for them to look old