For all you assmio and kino Moja peeps

Mwania was having trouble in school. His teacher was always yelling at him, "You’re driving me crazy Mwania. Can’t you learn anything ?

One day Mwania’s mother came to school to see how he was doing.

The teacher told her honestly that her son was simply a disaster, getting very low marks, and that she had never had such an unmotivated and ignorant boy in her entire teaching career.

Mwania’s mom, shocked at the feedback, withdrew her son from school and moved out of Nyeri, relocating to Laikipia.

25 years later, the teacher was diagnosed with irreversible cardiac disease

Her doctors all strongly advised her to have open heart surgery, which only one surgeon at the Nanyuki hospita could perform.

Left with no other options, the teacher decided to have the operation, which was remarkably successful.

When she opened her eyes after the surgery she saw the handsome young doctor who headed her surgical team smiling down at her. She wanted to thank him, but could not talk.

Her face started to turn blue, she raised her hand, trying to tell him something, but quickly died.

The doctor was shocked, wondering what went wrong so suddenly. When the doctor turned around to leave the room, he saw that Mwania, now the cleaner at the Clinic, had unplugged the life-support equipment in order to plug in his vacuum cleaner.

If you thought that Mwania had become a heart surgeon, there is a good chance you’re going to vote for the wrong person in august.

The good @dr.n was astounded at such callous behavior that had resulted into a what was technically a murder, he knew that without a doubt the teacher’s family would raise hell and the administration would certainly demand the culprit…idiot or otherwise.

He looked at the non plussed cleaner going about his duties with ear phones plugged into his rather grotesque ears oblivious of the grave consequences of his actions, hastily he reached into his pocket and fished out his cell phone and dialed the facility’s security.

He reasoned it’s best to be a prosecution witness as opposed to an unemployed chap.

Mwania was arrested for causing the death of the elderly patient and charged with second degree murder. He is now cooling porridge in Kamiti and having his backside enlarged by Oti the gargantuan.

We are about to make Mwangi the head of the hospital.

I read this same story here on Ktalk a while back by…(what’s the name of that Talker based in Deutschland?). It was accompanied by photos as he dissed a fellow Talker. Only names have changed.

This August, Kenya has a unique opportunity to get things right …

Wrong Choices will have serious Consequences for decades to come …

Mark my Words …

that was 10 years ago.Mwania is now running for governor in the upcoming elections.

Yea been doing rounds for 10years now

You two niggas do see this hakuna Mahalia nimesema ni my original