Just started guzzling this stuff. Tastes awesome and the aura is full of apple aroma… jeso!
I hope it won’t make me walk with my head…
I mean the upper head, the one with the brains :D[ATTACH=full]31790[/ATTACH]
Just started guzzling this stuff. Tastes awesome and the aura is full of apple aroma… jeso!
I hope it won’t make me walk with my head…
I mean the upper head, the one with the brains :D[ATTACH=full]31790[/ATTACH]
Hiyo drink iko fiti like a nonesense!
Kabisa kaka! But hio utamu inanifanya niogope na iko 37.5% …
hehehe… when the ugliest waiter starts looking beautiful enda nyumbani
Hangdown yake pia sio blanda
shida yake ni heartburn na nausea…
already nisha anza kuwa tipsy kama judge. Rindi pia inani appreciate.
Ushatoka mazishi mblo?
I consumed ile chupa ya 750ml na can kubwa ya Shark. I was ok and even dropped everyone home. Sema kesho kuamka with my heart beating through my mouth and I stayed drunk the whole day mpaka kesho yake. Best drink to mix with ni Mountain Dew. You won’t smell of olikohool.
Kuna kanyama kanacome, so sidhani tutasumbuana sana :D:D
Na mix na Krest. Kiasi cha haja.
Ushawahi onja na Krest?
(inakuwanga 700ml, btw)
hehehe quail ama beef babaa?
Quail niko nayo na ma redds. Goat fry ndio maneno :)
yenyewe hapo kwa.heartburn na aftersmell.ya apple.prepare else.iko timam. kunywa dry na ice
I’ve always ignored this drink coz me hudhania Ni already mixxed juu ya hizo flavors. Now that you’ve mentioned mountain dew, naijaribu kesho.
Natembea na Kikombe… peasant problems
That 37.5% is deceptively potent. Better take it in moderation budda…
Mimi Nina chrome ya. last week quarter. Hiyo na maji moto in the next 15 minutes. inisaidie kupata usingizi have been on the road for the last six hours.
Ina sukari?
Isn’t shark an energy drink…if yes, i think its dangerous mixing alcohol n energy drinks I think, for your heart especially…
Just danced a bit … like a bause!
Old one, it has no sugar, whatsoever!
Purr 27, very true. Its not just dangerous its fatal, kuna mresh alikufa last year after 2 monsters