Flat earth society has members all around the Globe.

Smdh. If you are not a flat earther please dont say things we dont approve…

We discredit this statement. There is no Globe.

The statement should read " Flat earth society has members all around the Flat earth…

meanwhile I just want you to know the earth is flat.

We are many!

Good for you


The earth is flat.if it were a globe,then some people at some parts of the so-called ‘globe’ would be upside down.ama?

just so you know. illuminati hadn’t lost meaning as of today.
It was first derived from an organisation of 1000 very rich individuals whose goal was to transform lives of the society. They helped each other at all angles. If one had oil, and the other lacked , they get to help each other.
At that time they called themselves ’ Elluminated ’ . Meaning a light to shine the path of the society ’

no difference from religious fanatics.good on you sport

Goddamit! These people are too much. Moderators block accounts za hawa watu wa flat earth.

Good thing Admin too believes on a Flat Earth

Admin mgani huyo? @Purple and Mulosi don’t believe in it na huyo mwingine anawacha mjibambe

Mine is simple. Do you think a mosquito knows it’s upside down when hanging on the roof.

Are you all flat footed?

A silly joke some glober thought was funnier than it actually was.

purple does. I dont know about mulosi but i think he knows its flat

This @Purple you speak of, is she doeth spoken for?

i dont think so. You want her?

I would believe so yes.

well then. Might you need a hand ?

