Flashy lifestyle of shady people

In the Western hemisphere, shady characters stopped flashing their wealth eons ago, and have adopted modesty.
Reasons behind, are scrutiny by Revenue authorities and law enforcement agencies. They no longer go for that posh lifestyle.
It’s only in most 3rd world countries, and especially in .Ke that the trend is at it’s pick, courtesy of one William Kabogo.

Wait and see huduma number will level the ground.

Remember the 80’s and 90’s movies where gangsters used to be driven in limousines, with body guards and such.
Nowadays these guys are low profile, no flashy lifestyle. Lakini slowy but surely, these guys will have to under ground.

I am not that old Bro 90s my dad alikuwa anazunguka na mimi kwa magoti pale grogon

Maybe they just want to live that life and there is something behind that lifestyle anyway if they have ability to live the way they live;) However for sure you shouldn’t follow their path really. So you shouldn’t lecture anyone how they should live anyway;)

I dont fully understand both ways of living. When we have forgot how to live our lives and what really is important and matters? Do you really need a house with 10 rooms that nobody is using, or you just need to see smile on your kids faces and feel like a richest man on the Earth?