Fiud Masho alisema mzungu si binadamu

Na si uongo


This one would kill you for business

This one would kill you for business

Double business. huyu ni mlethal.

They’re already dead, what do they need those body parts for?

I ran a computer repair shop then you arrest me for selling computer accessories or replacements.

I agree. we should have a way to harvest parts from dead people and help the living.

Ever heard of people declared dead and yet they aren’t,only for parts to be harvested.

That’s the down side.

Just google the price of ANY body part on the black market…then you might stop asking silly questions.

The sick part is that homeless people are usually killed purposely for body parts. Young homeless people are a primary source for kidneys. That’s a tip of the iceberg,

PS: Research institutions are very good customer among the corporate clientele.

Except they aren’t yours to sell to begin with. You’re just a custodian of the computers.

She be like “ici ni mbeca” .

Its okay to save the living using the organs of the dead. This lady on the other hand was doing it to help herself.


Sisi wote mirrionaires lakini ku-redeem hizo bonga points lazima uwache ku-bonga indefinitely

So a healthy human being is worth a million pounds easy? No wonder watu wanapotea ovyo ovyo without a trace.