Firimbi generation..Yankees

Circumcision has become an increasingly fraught topic over the past few decades, as new American parents have grown uncomfortable with the idea of severing a piece of their child’s body, minor though it may be. This is understandable from an ethical perspective: A newborn baby cannot consent to such an unalterable act. Anti-circumcision advocates argue that it is better to forgo the procedure in infancy and allow the child to make his own decision later on. As a result of this intuitive reasoning, rates of circumcision have fallen from about 85% in 1965 to roughly 58% in 2010, the latest year for which solid data is available.[ATTACH=full]467107[/ATTACH].
Hehehe…wapi hao, hapa nchini Kenya…to cut or not cut, state the pro and cons

Heard that circumcision reduces the chances of STDs and HIV at great lengths.

Can’t confirm the solidity of it thou.

Nimesoma hii nikakumbuka 15kg foreskin

Wanawake lazima wakatwe

@Agwambo si uhamie US&A


Kata prepuce ya 14 kg