wadau, what is the fine for failure to renew a business permit in nairobi county
I’d also like to know. I run a ka small home pub na last year kanji didn’t get a cent from me. I’m thinking of pushing my luck this year also. Biashara no ngumu I say.
I can forge it for you…pesa kidogo tu.
It is never that clear except for the fact that you will be harassed by Kanjo guys until you renew but I was made to understand that there is a late payment penalty of 3% per month until you renew it.
@Tommy Lee Sparta njoo hapa you advise hii kijana
what happens is kama ulichukuwa permit manually before zikuwe digital u r safe kidogo…lakini kama uliregister on Ezitizen uka create account nawao na ukalipia permit online…then mwaka mzima hukulipa iyo invoice itakuwa bado apo zime andamana na ya mwaka huu…deadline huwa 31st march to renew…kanjo wakicome be ready kuhongana lakini iZo hongo end of the year huwa zimefika pesa za permit na hautawai kuwa na peace at ur workplace
Penately zikikuwa mob ile siku utaenda kufungua biz ingine na ur ID ndio utajuwa hujui…juu for u to be cleared lazima utalipa
Actually I was called by a sweet sounding lady from City hall last year asking me when i will renew my permit ya 2016. The biz had closed so nilimwambia adeactivate that account. Sijui kama itakuja kunihaunt one day.