Finally!!! Covid 19 cure

Apparently 2 have already been cured in Madagascar. Bill gates must be very gutted right now

magufuli who doesnt believe covid exist has actually sent a plane to get as much as it can be gotten

Well and good. Let’s give it time and see whether this cure holds up to reality.

We saw Pearl Omega in action.

Hii ni ile ubonobo yetu…

Mzungu awezi kubali…

I thought multiple people have recovered. So what’s miraculous about the 2 from Madagascar?

What a quack he was…that Dr Obel. His ‘miracle’ drug received a lot of free press back in the day.:smiley:

Kamwe, too proud to admit and give credit to the dark continent. He better reverse engineer, or repackage it as his.

This drink falls under vitamin supplements that boost immunity. Lakini sio dawa iko specifically targeted for the disease, at the molecular level.

And you’ll see African leaders disapproving it as they await meds from the west. May it work. Amen

What is molecular level according to you? You are not a molecular scientist.

I see you’ve also sold your soul to the west

Sure. Care to explain the mechanism of action?
For example here’s nifedipine’s MOA. Nifedipine is a drug that is used in the treatment of high blood pressure.
Before we can even talk about this drug’s safety and efficacy profile let’s just focus on how it works. Please?


Just bring the evidence lol. If it truly works, the entire world will be forever grateful to Madagascar scientists.

If i get you correctly, your concern is that they have not explained the mechanism of action. You have said it falls under “vitamin supplements that boost immunity”. Is boosting immunoglobulins production not a “molecular level function?”

I have my reservations.

You thought your white America would be capable? Sad

It’s not the same thing. Drugs that cure diseases are very specific even to the receptor level. Not some general vitamin boost which increases health and well being. Some people get sick due to poor diet then when given some good uji, they start feeling better and say their diabetes and kidney failure went away.
You’re the molecular biologist so just spit it out bana. I’m honestly curious to find out more. What’s the active, patentable ingredient in this drink that ultimately inhibits viral replication?

Let’s wish it work