Final Thread on Khalif Kairo (Long)

Wambui I know you are a talker here.

This thread is about solutions, not celebrating your tribulations like the rest of the muratina addicts here.

First, mistakes happen. Misusing client funds is a very minor issue. Anyone who has been in business can attest that at times when the economy is in shambles, you might be tempted to utilise client funds to cover business and personal expenses. It’s not advisable, but sometimes, desperate times call for desperate measures. Besides, there are wose crimes you could have committed (eg. Killed people, harmed children, caused a nuclear war etc)

Second, debt is nothing to fear. Countries, companies, and individuals all have it. Even @Josto_Bwaku owes 50 bob in hustler fund loans that he has refused to repay.


(1) Repay the victims. Agree on a long-term monthly repayment plan. Don’t claim bankruptcy as that can get you killed by one of the victims.

(2) Liquidate and fundraise. Sell your assets (remaining stock, personal cars, motorbikes, electronics). Ask your parent(s) to sell their land and properties. Lastly, set up a paybill for Kenyans to assist you. Kenyans are extremely gullible and empathetic, judging by their political choices.

(3) Disconnect from social media and never return. A lot of people are currently cheering your demise because when you were on top (driving high end cars and dating beautiful slay queens) you rubbed it in their faces. They will troll you relentlessly, and if you are emotionally weak, you might jump from a tall building due to the mean things that will be said about you.

(4) Rebrand. Reputation and trust are very difficult to mend once broken. Now that you are perceived as a con, when you launch your next business, be completely anonymous. Use influencers to market it, and puppet directors to operate it.


Yugni Wuod Ugenya Sibuor mar Kendu Bay


In my wisdom, it would have been a mistake if the funds were utilized for sensible ventures. i.e paying business bills. Spending business funds on internet hoes to impress internet strangers and expanding business to spite your former business partners does not remotely count as a mistake but rather a hormone-driven frenzy that was definitely bound to misfire. To add salt to an injury he has a rotor mouth that he keeps spinning on the internet, somehow convinced that he is delivering wisdom, never mind that the boy would never know what wisdom is if it sat on his face. You can tell by his arrogance and stuff. In terms of maturity and wisdom, roho safi the guy is a late bloomer. Pia hanikalii mtu anaweza kua advised. Namhurumia lakini apambane tu na hali yake.


Wee mzeee!


Nilijua kijana ni immature vile huwa anafinya gari 160kph while recording himself smiling with one arm on the steering wheel.


Ghoulies Ii Halloween GIF
Social media invokes all sorts of demons and hate in people. The guys on X who cheered him are now trolling kairo. Peaceful guys do not put their lives on social media.


:green_emoji: :green_emoji:

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Hii stori yote and yet you have never driven a Cayenne? :green_emoji:

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Ndio akule na slay queen wa Instagram

Why dont you send him a 50K to start off the fundraising bwana biggest supporter

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Toomer paybill

You can get his number online chukua umtumie wacha empty support

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could not read beyond this

Misusing client funds is a very minor issue.

You must be a very bid idiot if you think so!


:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

I trust you with 2m to import me a vehicle and you decide to use 1m to impress your “girlfriend” with the intention of making followers feel you are a high-baller!

Kwera kabisa ufinywe makei uko cell until you cough back client’s money.


No point in crying over spilled milk. It’s past tense. Let’s focus on solutions now.

Unlike life, money is just a piece of paper that can be recovered and repaid.

Onyi will have a field day in kamiti. Tamu kama sunguch watageuza wewe kama chapati.

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@Yugni ni fanboy wa Kairo. Maybe he will come back to his senses when he is done sucking him off.

Very true.

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Very solid advice. Lakini kijana bado anaongea shonde pale bird app. Kichapo muhimu; for a boy to turn into a man.

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Kairo hatoki social media anytime soon. Ako na mission ya kuprove kila mtu wrong. Do not underestimate the vendetta fuelling that ninja saii. The depths he will go will be diabolical.


Sir, That sounds very personal.

This must be Kairos account.

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