Tukisema we are a shithole republic watu wanasema ni self hate.
Ati Nyayo stadium had just completed an 800M renovation.
iko wapi ile picha ya 2012 ya uhuru na wengine imeadikwa five stadiums.
Anko willie is the answer.
I heard its more than that. Its in billions
if you haven’t made money in the last 7 years, forget about it
was the pool reopened?
The government should take over the football league. Withdraw from FIFA for 5 years. We are not benefiting anyway. We won’t qualify for World Cup. We are bottom feeders in Cup of Nations anyway. We lose almost alll Fifa competitions. Send Nick Mwendwa to retirement. Revamp the league’ make it competitive, make it an employer of 20,000 people, a great service to Kenya. People will be employed in the league office, stadium, commercial activities, hosting….Government Promising people 500,000 jobs in its offices is rather stupid.
:D:D:D:D:D…you expect so much from someone who can’t be entrusted to manage even the farm produce of his mother s kitchen garden
I have tried entering the washrooms if both stadiums some years ago and I was scarred for life,same as central police station,we have empty headed public servants in Kenya who should serve consecutive life sentences.
Gova haiko serious na stadiums
Iko serious na nini?
Kukopa na kuiba.
Sports has been neglected by post Moi governments.
How, yet they were given 800 million to revamp wakaenda sherehe na kununua whitewash
Highlighted issues:
The pitch is in poor condition. Overall pitch condition must be improved, and the surface must be levelled, green and marked clearly in white; Markings on the pitch should be symmetric all over the field of play.
The floodlights capacity is around 500 Lux. For evening matches, ensure that the floodlights LUX capacity is according to the CAF match requirements: A minimum of 1200 Lux should be provided all over the pitch, covering uniformly every area of the playing field.
All the current teams and referees dressing rooms need a full upgrade and renovation.
The teams and officials dressing rooms are not up to the standard for professional footballers use. It needs general maintenance, renovation, and appropriate high standard equipment. Consider demolishing the current dressing rooms and toilets, and build new ones.
The stadium must be equipped with a dedicated room for first aid and medical treatment of players.
Seats for spectators must be individual, fixed (e.g. to the floor), separated from one another, shaped, numbered, made of an unbreakable and non-flammable material, and have a backrest of a minimum height of thirty (30) cm when measured from the seat
Spectator stands need general maintenance, painting and cleaning, followed by installation of individual fixed seats in all sectors.
The stadium must be equipped with refreshment and catering facilities for all spectators in every sector of the stadium.
There is no media centre available in the stadium; Media Centre to be created in are n.4 in the stadium; The stadium must have a modern Media Centre available and should be equipped with the following: Desks, power supply, phone/internet connections and television must be provided for media representatives.