FIFA 18 vs. PES 18

PES 18 has better gameplay than FIFA 18. Na wale wanasema wanafunga easily in PES 18 wacheni kuweka amatuer mode kwa hio game bump it to more difficult mode. I can assure hautaweza kufunga from midfield.

:D:D:D ukiwa solo practice by playing legendary mode sio amatuer mode.

Oooh really,you are still a baby in this village and stick to those whores u talking about.
The same whores you talking about are better than you.
Now sit ass down,didn’t ask for your opinion.

Wewe ile reasoning uko nayo hata mtoi akiwa nicu amekushida.
You have shifted goal post na flight simulators ili hali story ilikuwa ps2 games and others.
Bure kabisa.

if you can’t see the connection hatushangai…as i said you are stupid…nimekuwekea hadi vida unona ndai iko revealed first time kwa game conference …football manager has even had correct prediction of events…imagine that…so many games have been studied e.g bioshock is a masterpiece of art and education…nilianza na kukushow kitu simple you think a simulation software is some trivial thing…how it influences everything today of all times…the back bone of youtube…music composition…treatment…the fucking esrb was created cuz of Mortal Kombat…but unataka kusema you can’t connect these dots…you see games and only think mario…schools are using games to train teachers how to survive school shootings

video games do more than entertain…they can teach…grade and evaluate …predict…wewe baki uki think its just mario …even God of war has helped people learn history…how thick are you man but peace though …keep on talking shit and yet the gap has already been closed

Am not interested in seeing your point no matter how you try.
We were talking about games za FIFA and others but since kwako ziko the same.
What you saying is a whole different perspective so tuliza kende na uache kuwa dumb kama door knob you twat.

[ATTACH=full]159398[/ATTACH] Shut the fuck up…and just told yah football manager has made real life predictions…Forza was the first place the porsche first revealed…GTA V has the most records for an entertainment media…Bioshock has been studied in school and all these can be played in your living room…so screech kwengine bitch nigga but usilete ujinga yako hapa ufikirie utakuwa entertained gamers are the biggest assholes in the whole world…

Niaje black American.
Use of shitty does not scare me an inch so continue warming your balls in peace.
Which other world have u learnt?
Put them together uwekelee pia.

could have just said nigga…

nigga you lame as fuck…ati black american!!!

how close minded are yah that slang only comes from america and that american slang is the same in all the states


Hahaha,missed the point by river.


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