Before you blow a gasket just read.
The main response to this question is that it’s appalling to prevent women from having sexual pleasure, but the thing is, you as a beta male don’t realize your place in the world. If you did, well, you might have a different view.
You see women are hypergamous, and all that means is that they’re only attracted to about 20% of men, called the Alpha males. Contrary to what some people believe, you don’t “become” an Alpha male, you’re either born one or you’re not. Alpha is a set of genetic traits. As far as men are concerned, Alpha is the cream of the crop in terms of genetic material.
Why are women only sexually attracted to Alpha males? Simple, evolution. and it’s not just human-specific evolution, all animals are like this.
Take crocodiles, all female crocodiles mate and have offspring, whereas only a few male crocodiles have that honor. It’s called natural selection, it’s nature’s way of making sure only the fittest and best genes get passed on. And the mechanics for this are already in place, since one male can impregnate a thousand females, whereas females can only choose a handful of males, it makes sense that males would willingly want to have sex with any female, whereas females would only want to have sex with the best males.
So back to humans, when we say a woman is “attracted” to an Alpha male, we mean that she in fact wants and desires to have sex with that male. Women take turns f*cking these alpha males because there’s very few to go around. And this leads to the main problem, there’s very few to go around. What happens when a woman reaches 30 and wants to marry and have a house and money to buy things? She must “settle” for the beta male as she has no other option. Keep in mind that she is not sexually attracted to the beta male, she only wants him because he is a good provider, he has lots of money and can insure her safety in the world. So what of sex in this case? Beta males already know this, women neither crave nor desire sex except with the Alpha male, with the beta male they use it as a bargaining tool. If the beta male works hard enough and begs long enough, then she will “put out”. She will give him sex as a “gift” or “reward”, not as something she mutually wants. This is the reason most marriages end up sexless after 3 years, because the female already has all she needs from the beta male, so she no longer has to “put out”.
But during the marriage there is still the obvious problem, the female is still attracted to the Alpha male, so what does she do? She still wants those Alpha genetic traits for her children, so she has sex with the Alpha male behind the beta husband’s back, she gets pregnant with the Alpha male’s sperm, and she tricks the beta into believing the children are his so he will nurture and raise them.
A second option is that she has already bared the children of the Alpha male before marriage, and the beta male marries her despite knowing the children are not his, but he raises them as his own regardless, his hope is that one day she will bare him his own children.
All this leads us to FGM, why does FGM exist? Because of everything we mentioned earlier.
You see in Ancient Africa, the non-Alpha males who comprised the majority of the male-dominated society, banded together and decided to do something to end this problem once and for all. They came up with the radical idea that if you prevent a woman from receiving sexual pleasure, then the whole mechanism of Alpha/beta/gamma and natural selection completely breaks down. Females would no longer seek sex with the Alpha male because sex would be too painful. Instead they will only have sex with their financial providers when it’s demanded of them. Loss of female sexual desire was at no loss for the majority non-Alpha male population since females never desired to have sex with them in the first place.
This is why women oppose FGM so strongly, they need to prevent these inferior non-alpha males from spreading their genes and ignoring female natural selection. Women are simply trying to preserve the natural balance, while these men in Africa are trying to destroy it.
Keep in mind that when the female is selecting the Alpha male’s genetic traits for her children, non of it is happening at a conscious level. At the conscious level all she is seeking is sexual satisfaction from the Alpha male.
So now you’ve heard it all. If you’re an Alpha male then FGM would naturally horrify you since female sexual desire is the center of your world.
But if you’re a beta male do you really care about FGM?