Especially @GeorginaMakena
you need to watch coach Corey Wayne, he is the deal if you want to rise up to be an alpha male.
You have comprehension troubles. The video is intended to the feminazis. Mind you no video can make a man an alpha if you are not.
First world problems sisi waafrika badotuko strong
your opinion is respected, just like I respect everyone elses. thank you
Alpha males are born.
Lakini hao wawili wataweza nini? Culture yote hio yao ishazama na kufa maji tayari. Kizazi kizima cha maboys manalilia baba hawamwoni. Too late mimi nafikiri.
I cannot afford those 8 minutes. Write a summary that we can read.
The host look like a dude.
Imagine starting out in a shitty house with only a mattress and a meko and leaking roof in some slum estate and building yourself up to getting your first million and then getting married. Two years later the woman decides to kick you to the curb and take half your shit as if she was the one waking up at 5 am to beat traffic and working till late. (I don’t even know who came up with some of this laws.) Pray to God you never find yourself in such a situation. I would honestly liquidate everything and convert into crypto and vanish to another country. Fuuck the bittch
This lady is one of the very rare, priceless and uniquely sober breed that clearly sees the world in very clear lenses and she should be protected and facilitated by all resources available to spread these facts. We are tired with this bu**sh*t of persecuting the boy child on the platform of equality, rights and empowerment.
Nope! Alpha is a mindset and not a demographic. Through self-improvement you can learn to become confident, social etc…
Who has ever read “The Rational Male” series by Rollo Tomassi?
Women essentially need three things to survive: shoes, handbags, and [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]attention. Water, food, and air are secondary requirements. Deny her the attention she is used to getting, especially if she is above average beauty. It drives her nuts.