Feminist warns Kenyan men not to call women beautiful


Why is she insisting on men to be called beautiful and not handsome…

Wueh, kuna watu wamejiamini huku nje, ama ni ku-project insecurities? :D:D:D:D

:D:D:D captain malisa iyo feminist

Being handsome is being beautiful.

What is she trying to say?

There is problem with the Luo and Kikuyus of this country. But the Luos have perfected the art of being victims

umenikanganya my gaay friend

It’s a philosophical fact dunderhead

Lazima wanawake kama yeye wachomee fellow women. Kama yeye hapati mtu pia hao wengine wakaukiwe.:D:D

She sounds like a lesbian

I have read it twice and her logic is dotted at best

Homosexuals like @PHARMACY blush when called beautiful by a man close behind on the food que with a hard on at njoguinis cafe

Vile huwa unablash ukideenyer @Douchebag meffi?:D:D:D:D:D young man a kamba like me sorrounded by beautiful yellow yellow will never be gayy like you fools.wanawake wa kemilili wako na misuli Kama uncle machoosh nowander mnadeender douchmeffi a brownskin mountain ghaseer

:D:D:D huyu anakaa general china

She is handsome…
…will she say, thank you for noticing? Or I’m amazing?

Si ken wa maria akiimba fundamendoz?

Because men are fairer as most animals of male species. Males dont need any enhancements to attract the female just natural means to maintain themselves whereas it’s rare for females to maintain the same thus the reasons female species (humans) go to extreme measures to attract males.i.e fake everything.
The day is coming when men will learn their true value as the fairer sex to the human species evolution and with the feminazi lgbtq accelerating it, the prophecy of females begging males to bear their names and also get married is here with us.
A new age is here.