feminazi & marriage

there’s this rising number of feminazis who believe they can twist marriages to suit their needs. feminazis are ‘enemy of progress’ since they are always ganering for women’s rights even going ahead and be of the opinion that they can stay without men in their lives. of course you can stay without a man in your life but trust me money wont give your an orgasm, money wont give you companionship, money wont make you happy, money wont give you children. some cases are understandable i.e if your husband died, if you divorced, or if you separated maybe because he was abusive. one way or another you need a man in your life who will appreciate you and tell you how pretty you are. i mean even if you want to be a single parent you will still need a man to make you one or when you wont for a sperm bank technically a man will be needed.

feminazis have become very vocal nowadays that equality in marriage dominates their thinking which of course will never happen. no man will ever be willing to accept equality. what women dont know is that what is needed in a marriage is equity and not equality. lemmi make you understand: equality means equal 50/50. If you are working in an organization equality will mean all of you be paid the same salary regardless of your duties or job group. equity is fairness that is if you are working in an organization each employee will be paid what he deserves according to his/her job group and duties. in marriage equity is practised in that everyone knows his/her place. a man knows his/her place while a woman knows his/her place. you dont expect a man to pay all the bills of the house, pay school fees and expect him to go to the kitchen do the laundry or do the dishes and the wife is there. i dont mean to say that women are entitled to do all the chores but i mean thats how it is.

even those feminazis who head organizations that look into women’s interests such as FIDA know their places. once she gets home she will perform her duties and most of them are married unlike what they preach. they drop the feminazi tag and become the loving wives they are and do their duties. nyinyi wengine ndo mnabaki mnadanganywa alafu unakuja kwa nyumba ya mwanaume unakam kusumbuana hapa ati equality. if you are going to be married just know your duties as a woman and be prepared for them otherwise dont come disturbing people about 50/50 equality. if you feel you are not ready for marriage then dont get married and stay alone no one will bug you. but if you get to a commitment know it comes with responsibilities.

you mean feminist …
anyway their feminist is their feminist, none of.your feminist

go to the university where you graduated and demand for a refund. my friend you are doomed!!

why did you escape from wakanda?

There are smart feminazi. Those that are already married and know their place just like you have said. Then kuna hizi ng’ombe zingine that are successful but due to their fu*ck ups in life they try to spoil it for everyone. You all remember the ugly piece of shit that was on the media the other day saying women should be circumcised. That woman probably was cut against her will and has never enjoyed sex. Juu ya wivu akaanza kusema others should be cut.

A slay Queen just message me saying “don’t let human beans pull u down "
i replied " i will rice again .”
Kwani Mimi ni Nani?



acknowledge your source ama nilete screenshots

Gender equality is just a dream by few feminazis who think they are equal to men. It is not possible.

Let everyone stick to his lanes. In the Bible, who was instructed to build an ark? Whom did God sent to rescue the Israelites from Egypt? When there was a famine in Egypt whom did God install as Prime Minister? In the kingdom of Israel, how many female kings were there? In any army, how many ladies are there?

Sheeeei feminists or feminazis or whatever your names are, mtukome. Strive for equity not equality.

she was calling you to eat her bean