Cute Boys Association tunaangamizwa sana of late, wacha niretaliate na hizi photos zetu
Cute Boys Association tunaangamizwa sana of late, wacha niretaliate na hizi photos zetu
Why are you gay?
Gayer than a rocket on it’s way to URanus
You is a flaming faggot
Who says I’m gay?
But you are gay
Very gay thread
Mwanaume ni kukaa ngumu
Ati cute kwani unaoleka
Go suck a dick my niggah, gay ass faggot if I could I’d ram a propeller shaft of an actross 3340 up yo fag ass. Cheith
Females normally wash their maithos with bank statements and photos of luxury cars and houses not male models’ pics
it is every day i thank god that i surf with images disabled
[SIZE=1]mtu aniite sufferah tupatane langata usiku[/SIZE]
I hate gay people
Those are some handsome mofos
Gaaaayyyyy . Fuck you
Kile @Freyja atasema
I thought it had been established @MikeOck ni dame akipretend kuwa jamaa and @Purple ni ndume pretending to be a chic. Vitu wao hupost tells you a lot about what lies between their thighs.
Kwanza kichana jina yako sounds so weird, you need a container ship propeller shaft up yo gay ass that it comes out of your dick sucked mouth with your insides, then feed you your intestines, then ram a banana trunk down your throat, choke on it faggot.
I think it is time to vacate from here permanently