Fears over HIV surge in Nyanza due to drop in circumcision

Fears over HIV surge as circumcision drops in Nyanza
By Mactilda Mbenywe | August 16th 2021
A youth undergoes a cut during a Voluntary Male Circumcision (VMC) at Masogo dispensary in Muhoroni constituency on April 19, 2018. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

Experts have warned of a possible surge in HIV infection in Nyanza following reduced male circumcisions.

The Covid-19 pandemic and withdrawal of funding have been blamed for the dip in circumcision numbers.

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC), a programme initiated in 2008, showed a drop of 72.5 per cent.

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The programme was meant to contribute to the reduction of HIV infections in 13 counties, including Kisumu, Siaya, Migori and Homa Bay.

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A report by the National AIDS and STIs Control Programme (NASCOP) indicates the number of those undergoing the cut in Kisumu County has reduced from 900 monthly to an average of 60.

Nationwide statistics indicate the numbers have reduced from 200,000 annually to an average of 55,000.

According to NASCOP VMMC programme’s manager Ambrose Juma, the dip is linked to the withdrawal of funding by the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

In August 2020, PEPFAR reduced funding for people aged 14 years and below, which constitutes 60 per cent of the beneficiaries annually. It has only been funding services for people aged between 15 and 49 years.

PEPFAR gave an advisory to VMMC against circumcision of people aged between 10 and 14 years, citing safety and human rights concerns. Since then, the country has not been circumcising boys in that age bracket.

“This has left the country with a significant resource gap for the VMMC programme, which is a serious threat to its sustainability,” Juma said.

NASCOP now wants the national and county governments to prioritise funding the circumcision program. The Covid-19 pandemic is another blow to the programme as it saw selective surgeries put on hold.

Yesterday, Juma said the situation could lead to a surge in HIV infections if not addressed. With reports indicating that circumcision reduces the chances of contracting HIV by up to 60 per cent, the initiative has been a big boost in the fight against the spread of HIV.

Joel Olilo, NSCOP VMMC Focal Person in Kisumu, said 30 health facilities with the capacity to carry out the procedure have had staff reduced to six from 24 due to the reduced numbers of clients.

“We are afraid that if the uptake will reduce further, there are chances that infections will rise,” he said, adding that as part of Covid-19 prevention measures, people aged 13 years and below were being turned.

Olilo said the pandemic and partial withdrawal of funding have hurt the programme. “There is no active mobilisation,” he said.

Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS) of 2007 showed that an uncircumcised male is five times at risk of contracting HIV from a HIV positive woman compared to a circumcised male.

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Kongamano la HIV lafanyika, Nairobi kujadili mikakati ya kupambana na virusi katika kaunti zote

Voluntary Male Circumcision Male Circumcision HIV Nyanza
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Leather industry raw material zina isha !

Just maybe all of them got circumcised. its a common trend to see nilote kids getting the cut when they are born nowadays… but NGOs need money to stay afloat .

It’s our wish that all of them undergo the cut

Its YOUR wish faggot. sema ukweli.
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]
Why are you so interested in other men’s cocks?

[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]You Cannot Make This Shit Up :D:D

Kent a LUO man retain his own skin without the world fussing :smiley:

Circumcision is less than 500 in local dispensaries .they don’t need NGOs to go thru wat all men go thru

Now that we all think this is good info, can you also explain why there is the prevalence of the same hiv in regions where they circumcise?

Or they are sucking those uncircumcised diycks? :smiley:

Mbona japadhola njaruo @Swansea huwa haikusumbui kwa adnim ukiweka hizi threads? Ama mnajuana outside ktalk? Hata ile njaruo @slevyn huwa haiongei.

This is very peculiar. Hata ile njaruo ingine @jimit .


Men these niggas are so much into our penises unashangaa fomu ni gani? Siku izi the foreskin craze has dropped, I guess faggots found something important to do. I swear kuna days uko nyuma every two seconds somebody was mentioning foreskin kwa hii site. Kama sio @chap who himself isn’t circumcised, then ilikua ni petco.

patco chews foreskin juu hana front teeth… this is his way of finding a fellow homosexual. every two minutes niggga is thinking about phallace na kuunua mkundu juu but no one wants him

And you know, the worst thing about all these is that you have your 3.45kg foreskin but you have also refused to get your lower teeth removed! @slevyn you can’t have it both ways. That is not what the Luo forefathers wanted. Ni either utoe meno ama utoe nyama or both.

Even njaruo Obama hussein is still holding on to his 4.46kg foreskin as well as his 6 lower fangs

zinjathropus keep your foreskin fetishes to yourself… all that dick-sucking is numbing your intelligence… oh wait… you never had any intelligence to begin with…

Lakini hio nyama ikishikwa kwa zip… si huwa unajikunia?

@slevyn huwa mnaogopa nini? :smiley:

Na sio lazima uende ile ya akina @uwesmake na @Mundu Mulosi Bs Ms Ma PhD and ScD .

Uwesmake kwanza ni muoga sana sana. @uwesmake alipelekwa Kimilili sub county hospital kisha akatorokea Nairobi, same day! Today he bribes the local village elders in Kamkuywa with cheap beer, wakanyagie hio story juu anataka wamfanye village elder ndio 2022 asimame kiti ya kimilili on odm ticket against Didimasi Barasa.

Very few bukusus have gone the traditional way. In short @slevyn ingia tu Kamae health center watoe hako kakitu.

the problem with mouth diarrhea is you do not when you are loosing… uko tuu hapa kuita ita watu ndo upewe attention… nigga wewe ni kaama ulishikwa makende ukiwa mtoto. sas your tragic experience makes you crave attention. you yap like a woman, have clear mental issues and tribal AF. Basicaly a beta bitch in little boys body but uko 55

Relax. Don’t take him seriously. It’s all just some good fun. Ukikuchukua mtu kama Petco seriously you are in for some hard time. Just ignore or bettwr yet enjoy his humor

@uwesmake ali lia wakati wa kutahiriwa. @WIGSPLITTA si uende utolewe hako kanyama hukusumbua

By the way @slevyn tohara siku izi sio uchungu sana, i took my 8 year old son and He came out smiling.

keypiii @Agwambo hawezi onekana kwa hiii thread