Ruto finds solace in such characters, akina Sudi , the likes of Aisha Jumwa…
Then they’re these caliber of sycophants.
Say that to his face upate kofi
ako wapi? tumepiga gym one on one hii humbwer tunapiga…ona miguu zero muscle
In such relationships, Faruk is more powerful. The president is trapped by the office making him blind and deaf to the actual street narratives. He therefore relies on this guy who has no restrictions from his “office” because he is not employed by the government. He handles all the dirty deals and operations on behalf of the president meaning he has a black ops team whose members the president doesn’t know and whose allegiance is to this guy. That’s why they kill and abduct and the president dutifully takes the flack. It is said that Jomo was mad that JM Kariuki was assassinated but there was nothing he could do in fact he summoned the parliamentary committee and told them to delete some names
In all Kenyan Regimes , so-called powerful people come and go …
- Kenyatta had “Sir” Charles Njonjo
- Moi had “Total Man” Nicholas Biwott
- “Kaongo” has Farouk Kibet
I predict that 3 years from now he will be permanently gone …
Like a smelly fart in the wind …!!
Similarly, it is said that Moi did not want Ouko killed. But Total Man pulled the trigger and the rest is history.
Unlike Jambass, Moi at least surrounded himself with powerful but relatively untainted pointmen. Ruto, being himself a Kawangware raised hustler, seems to find comfort in street thugs and cats such as Farasi wa Kibeti, Mwangi Kiunjiri and Osaya Sundi. Or almost unhinged egomaniacs like Ichungwa Nugu, Janet Mohammed and Fransiska Atwoli
Kibaki had Lucy mwenye alikua amemshika macengary mpaka kwa tv
When kasongo is gone, Faruk will be useless kama kodiaga
But much richer than all lake victoria JAruo fishermen combined