Yes, couples,and yes me. With all the lousy marriages and relationshits around who make partnering look like swallowing a frog or about as enjoyable as weeding a coffee plantation, I am an absolute sucker for couples who make this relationship shit look not just like a piece of cake but like the IT life everyone should be so lucky to have.
Wode Maya Ghana and Miss Trudy Kenya. Their subbies call them TrudieMaya
I used to follow Wode Maya so we saw that relationship when it started. And as it blossomed. I love how he looks at her, I love their chemistry and their American heights, they are like some kids in love. Beautiful. Best wishes, I think they’d make a terrific set of parents.
Soila and Curtis - Kenya
To me these guys epitomize the holy grail of marriage. Theyre friends like bestest of friends, they are fun, they are believers, not the grouchy Bible thumping ones talking about submission 24’7 and sound like they’re baptised in lemon juice. No fun whatsoever just negative legalism. I see a Christ like marriage to the Church in these guys. Love 'em to death.
Shiro and Ramsey
This man, this man, gotta give it up for the brother, what kind of man is this? Has the nerve to birth his own kids at home. Mwanaume Bomba. If there’s something that scares the shit its being around a woman giving birth, I would faint bcz am an empathy. Now this is an alpha male he pulled it off with out breaking a sweat. This is the kind of man every woman needs in their boat in choppy waters. Love her as well, beautiful inside and out in equal measure, love that they homeschool and love their kids names more.
Sailing LA Vagabond
This couple and their baby live on a boat and sail the world. Who does a person have to bribe to be born to such parents. This kid will have the most magical child hood. Oh! My word.
This is my dream life bcz I love travel and adventure. Marriage may be a ball and chain to many but for these guys it’s giving them wings, as a free spirit, I absolutely love that.