Fauci Tells Black Americans To Trust COVID Vaccine Because It Was Created By An African American Woman

The left’s obsession with race is highly disturbing and frankly, racist. Why should it matter to African Americans that a black woman helped create this vaccine? The fact that Fauci had to point this out makes me more leery of everything at a time when they should be working hard to convince the public about covid vaccine safety. @T.Vercetti

After NY Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a public education campaign on Wednesday directed at tackling minority skepticism of vaccinations, Dr. Anthony Fauci reached out to his “African American brothers and sisters.”

“To my African American brothers and sisters,” he said. “The vaccine that you’re gonna be taking was developed by an African American woman. And that is just a fact.”


Does Fauci think black Americans will be comforted by this news?

One Twitter user compared the government’s parading of the African American doctor to the woman who headed the infamous Tuskegee experiments.

African American nurse Eunice Luarie was the coordinator of the controversial experiment which resulted in over 100 deaths of black men.

I laughed when I saw this. Is this what it takes to convince blacks ? like, what if the black scientist is another Candace Owens watermelon ? Fauci and everyone else know that African Americans and other black people accross the world have genuine fears with anything labelled “vaccine”. It could be sterilization serum for all we know :smiley:

Well, in Aug, when Trump was talking about getting vaccine ready, Fauci was saying he expects clinical trials and approvals to early next year then distribution logistics mpaka April next year… Now the guy is all of a sudden all positive about vaccine ati it is ready?

Thats not racist , not even close. Anyway i will never take this stupid vaccine, i dont trust these morons.

They need to show us the data by publishing it in a peer reviewed journal and stop the race shenanigans. Black people have a right to be suspicious of the (white) medical community because there’s a time when our kind was experimented on without consent.

Two NHS nurses experienced anaphylactoid reactions to the vaccine. Thank God they were in a hospital otherwise they could’ve died. Shouldn’t those clinical trials have picked up on this possibility before rolling out to the public? As much as we all want this pandemic behind us, they should do it the right way. Study these vaccines thoroughly which takes time. I don’t want to hear the words, “We’re very sorry…” later on.

:D:D:D:D:D… how quickly have you forgotten that blacks are misused and abused by democrats at every turn!!! Remember that the democrats went to war to stop blacks from being freed as slave’s,ahh!!! History just repeats itself.

White supremacy would never want to harm white people. It is always ready to harm black people. And white supremacy is not a partisan thing. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are white supremacists. The Clintons and the Bush and Reagans were all white supremacists.
The only difference is the degree of white supremacy. Fools thought Bill Clinton was friendly to black people while the fact is he was responsible for mass incarceration of black men for lengthy sentences for possession of marijuana.

Ever wondered why AIDS mostly affects blacks, especially in South Africa?
Fauci was there doing experimental vaccine shit in 1980s and 90s. Get injected at your own peril. It’s an evil world where racism and eugenics is major and for you to survive you need to be as wise as a snake.

U guys are funny. Isn’t it trump orange man who rushed out the vaccine for clout?!

So he also influenced blacks to fuck without condoms?? Blacks always crying

You are naive. Go ahead and take the vaccine.

I will bro. Unaogopa ivo like a fool

the whole of africa is out there begging to buy for vaccines from racist white and yellow people , very shameful and stupid on our part…am nt a conspiracy theorist but if thy want to controll negroe numbers , this would be the perfect chance…

Its incredible how racist thinking pervades the US to the point where Fauci thought he needed to say that.

Certainly, blacks in the US have been trested badly in the US in the past. But in this day and age, I doubt that there is a vaccine shot ment to be given to blacks only as a test.

Racism exists in the US. But I find the idea that the vaccine may be another tuskergee experiment laughable if not downright hilarious.

Habari @Purple

Everyone in America or outside America knows the psychology of black Americans. Pay attention and avoid sensentionalizing the matter. You’ve lived in USA nearly your entire life you should have it figured out by now. African Americans do not trust the establishment any establishment except those they consider their own like black churches, this distrust is to the to the point that if a black commits black on black crime they won’t report it because the police establishment and the judicial system. Remember awhile back kids were shot in some place and the reward money over 100k to report who did it anonymously, nobody gave any info. So Fauci is not delusional it is you who lacks insight into the psychology of blacks there. All Fauci needs to do is get blacks to man the entire process and the black people will be trouping in like bees on honey. In any case what is the life expectancy of especially black American especially men in America? Their organs are being snatched. Their kids are being shot point blank. These people have nothing left to lose. They will take the vaccine. Trust that.


This thread is a mess. Y’all need Jesus.
